Wednesday, July 29, 2020



2051) Which of the following is the world's flattest continent?
A) Europe
B) Asia
C) Australia
D) South America

Answer: Australia
2052) Which of the following statements about New Zealand is/are not true?
1. New Zealand's North Island is smaller than South Island.
2. North Island has majority of the population.
3. The South Island is dominated by the Southern Alps.
4. Canterburry Plains are in North Island.
Select the correct answer using the codes given below
A) 1 and 4
B) Only 4
C) 1 and 2
D) 3 and 4

Answer: 3 and 4

2053) The Ruwenzori range in Africa is
A) A non-volcanic massive produced by faulting
B) a volcanic cone
C) a series of folded mountains
D) None of the above

Answer: A non-volcanic massive produced by faulting

2054) Which of the following is the world's southernmost national capital?
A) Canberra
B) Wellington
C) Santiago
D) Tierradel Feugo

Answer: Tierradel Feugo

2055) Farms with small landholdings, a strong subsistence component and having crops like maize, beans etc are called in Latin America.
A) Latifundia
B) Subsifundia
C) Minifundia
D) Estancia

Answer: Minifundia

2056) Which of the following cities has been the coffee-collecting city of Brazil. and was linked by railways with the ocean port of Santos in 1867?
A) Rio de Janeiro
B) Salvador
C) Brasilia
D) Sao Paulo

Answer: Sao Paulo

2057) Three major agricultural boosts in older settled territories of Brazil that have contributed to the country's recent economic growth are
A) sugar, coffee, wheat
B) sugar, citrus coffee
C) sugar. citrus, soyabeans
D) sugar, coffee, soyabeans

Answer: sugar. citrus, soyabeans

2058) Puerto Montt seaport has become part of _____core region
A) Argentina
B) Brazil
C) Chile
D) Peru

Answer: Chile

2059) The barren gravel plain, which occupy portions of the Algerian Sahara In referred to as
A) ergs
B) tanezrouft
C) hamada
D) foggaras

Answer: ergs

2060) Swamps are seen in the Siberian rivers because
A) freezing of the river near the mouth prevents water to flow to the sea
B) rivers are too narrow
C) rivers are heavily drained by the large network of canals
D) railway bridges built across the river, obstruct the flow

Answer: freezing of the river near the mouth prevents water to flow to the sea

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