Monday, November 30, 2020

English Vocabulary Set 01

 English Vocabulary Set 01

1.Choose the word which best expresses the meaning of Diminish ?

A) redundant             B) stagnant                C) decrease                D) prolong


2.Choose the word which best expresses the meaning of Perpetrate ?

A) forbear                   B) constrain               C) perform                 D) abstain


3.Choose the word which best expresses the meaning of Ambivalent ?

A) discomfiture                     B) dither                     C) definite                  D) uncertain


4.Choose the word which best expresses the meaning of Malaise ?

A) robustness                        B) unease                   C) good health                       D) trim


5.Choose the word which best expresses the meaning of Ushered ?

A) show                      B) concealment                     C) mask                      D) pretext



1.Answer – C) Explanation: Diminish – decrease

2.Answer – C) Explanation: Perpetrate – perform,

3.Answer – D) Explanation: Ambivalent – uncertain,

4Answer – B) Explanation: Malaise – unease,

5.Answer – A) Explanation: Ushered – show,


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