Monday, April 5, 2021

Class Room Daily Dose Booklet: DDB No: General Studies - Set 02 Answers and Explanations

Class Room - Daily Dose Booklet
DDB NO: General Studies 02

1 D. First

2 D. Himachal Pradesh High Court

3 D. Governor

4 B. Chief Justice of India

5 C. appointed by Speaker

6 B. 30 – 300 MHz

7 D. None of these

8 B. Wood is a bad conductor of heat

9 C. only two discrete values

10 C. Flow of liquid

11 D. Sun appearing higher in the sky than it actually is

12 C. remain unchanged

13 A. generated in a pipe filled with air by moving the piston attached to the pipe up and down

14 B. melting point of ice dcreases with increase of pressure

15 A. infinite

16 D. Gradual warming of the earth's surface

17 C. Phytoplankton

18 D. Ultrasonic waves

19 D. Watt

20 B. detect and locate distant objects

21 D. charge is transferred from your body to the handle

22 C. Same on both the Planets

23 C. Electromagnetic

24 D. manganin

25 B. nitrogen oxide and Sulphur dioxide

26 A. 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 only

27 A. Primary producer of energy

28 A. prevent the heat of the body from escaping

29 A. Temperature

30 B. both ( a ) and ( b )

31 A. Lichen

32 C. Kerala

33 C. large susceptibility and small retentivity

34 A. zero

35 C. current electricity

36 A. Concatenation

37 D. the brighter bulb has smaller resistance

38 A. Liminal

39 B. low thermal conductivity of glass

40 A. A biological community

41 C. steam has latent heat

42 A. Hot wire ammeter

43 D. Methyl isocyanate

44 B. decrease

45 B. remains the same

46 B. Coal combustion in Thermal Power Plants

47 B. electrical energy into mechanical energy

48 B. 40 – 45 dec

49 A. 1 and 3

50 B. interference

51 A. the overtones present in the sound

52 D. interference of light

53 B. is more reliable than analog signal

54 A. Perfect insulator

55 B. refraction and reflection

56 B. Volta

57 A. scattering

58 B. Hydrogen

59 C. Terrestrial

60 A. Incident on rain drops hanging in the atmosphere is dispersed after suffering refraction and internal reflection

61 A. 4 R

62 C. candela

63 D. the second image is the brightest

64 D. Decreases

65 A. decreases with increase of pressure

66 B. Earth and the sun

67 D. Ukraine

68 D. Aquarium

69 C. Neutrons

70 A. total internal reflection

71 D. the image distance from the eye lens

72 B. black

73 B. Kilogram per square metre

74 C. Total internal reflection

75 A. Wavelength

76 A. Paper

77 D. West to east in the equatorial plane

78 D. Ray

79 C. low pressure and low temp

80 C. water to glass

81 C. Some states are exempted from establishing three-tier system

82 D. direct the Government to do or not to do a thing

83 C. has its members elected according to the system of proportional representation

84 D. Levy duties

85 C. all the above

86 B. Provisions Provisions concerning the suspension of fundamental rights during National Emergency

87 D. I, II and III

88 A. 42nd

89 B. non-political body

90 C. is levied by the Union and belongs to it exclusively

91 D. Prime Minister

92 C. the State Legislature

93 C. 343

94 D. 30

95 B. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar

96 C. all persons in case of infringement of any fundamental right

97 B. protects the Directive Principles of State Policy

98 A. M.N. Roy

99 D. Delhi

100 A. 1/3

101 C. It allocates seats in the Council of States

102 B. Articles 20 and 21 cannot be suspended

103 D. 1967

104 A. The President has power neither to remove the Prime Minister nor any of his ministers unless the Prime Minister loses the support of majority in Lok Sabha and tenders his resignation

105 A. Canada

106 A. Madras

107 C. Indian Councils Act, 1909

108 C. 50

109 D. Parliament

110 B. five years

111 A. Thrice

112 C. Either House of Parliament

113 B. Comptroller and Auditor-General

114 A. Short Notice

115 A. Parliament

116 C. Arunachal Pradesh

117 B. I, II and III

118 D. when matters of utmost importance are raised

119 D. Preamble to the Constitution

120 D. Swaran Singh Committee

121 A. in the same manner and on the same grounds as a Judge of the Supreme Court

122 C. he is a member of the Upper House of the State Legislature

123 D. K.V K. Sundaram

124 D. English

125 B. It is the highest federal court of India

126 A. 42nd Amendment

127 D. Anglo-Indians

128 B. President

129 A. A money bill is one which provides for the imposition of fines or fees.

130 D. 42nd

131 D. 60 days

132 C. government grants

133 B. Cabinet Ministers, Ministers of State and Deputy Ministers

134 A. Article 370 of the Constitution

135 C. White Paper

136 D. may do all the above

137 A. I, II and III

138 D. Supreme Commander of Defence Forces of the Union and Executive Head of the Union

139 D. 331

140 B. Chief Justice of India

141 A. Finance Minister

142 D. Population control and family planning

143 C. the President and Vice-President

144 A. the village, the block and the district levels

145 B. It is the duty of the Prime Minister to communicate all decisions of the Council of Ministers to the President, whenever he requires

146 B. Citizenship

147 B. only in the event of equality of votes

148 D. every five years

149 D. for the term of six years or till they attain the age of 65 years

150 C. second year

151 B. Supreme Court

152 D. Education

153 C. Election Commission

154 B. a Constituent Assembly set up by the State

155 C. 1951

156 A. To provide defence against external attacks

157 B. life and personal liberty under Article 21

158 D. I, II and IV

159 D. Article 29 and 30

160 B. Advise on matters of common interest to States in a Zone

161 C. Local bodies

162 B. Directive Principle

163 C. President or some person appointed by him

164 B. part of basic structure of essential framework of the Constitution

165 B. Criminal Procedure Code

166 D. 250

167 C. Acquiring Property

168 C. in times of emergency

169 A. Speaker of Lok Sabha

170 C. judges of the High Court

171 D. the Chief Minister of the State where the Council meets

172 C. V.V. Giri

173 C. Speaker of the Lok Sabha

174 D. by the President in consultation with the Chief Justice of India and out of the judges of the Supreme Court and High Court as he may deem necessary for the purpose

175 D. To conduct the election of PM of India

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