Saturday, May 1, 2021

Class Room Daily Dose Booklet: DDB No: History - English Set 04 Answers and Explanations

Class Room - Daily Dose Booklet
DDB NO: History 04 (English)

1 B. Babar and Ibrahim Lodi

2 A. Establish a national religion which would be acceptable to the Muslims and the Hindus

3 D. 2 1 5 3

4 D. Akbar

5 C. Rana Sanga

6 B. Vijaynagar

7 B. Ferghana

8 C. Sher Shah

9 B. Muhammad Shah

10 B. 1, 2 and 3

11 A. Gopala

12 A. Alauddin Khalji

13 A. Mahmud Ghazni

14 D. Shams-i-Siraj Afif – Tarikh-i-Feroze Shahi

15 B. 2, 3 and 4

16 B. Alauddin Khalji

17 A. 4, 1, 3, 2

18 A. Vishnu Digambar Paluskar

19 A. 5, 3, 1, 2

20 B. Pallava Kings

21 A. Islam

22 C. Land revenue

23 A. Landlords and zamindars

24 A. to plunder the wealth of India

25 B. Elephanta Caves

26 B. Marathas

27 A. Unity among the Muslim rulers

28 A. Rajendra Chola

29 D. All of the above mentioned factors contributed to the downfall of the Mughal Empire.

30 B. Arched openings

31 A. Large estate owners

32 D. He worked for the Hindu-Muslim unity

33 B. 1 and 2

34 C. Kabir

35 D. Bhima II

36 D. Mewar

37 D. Malik Kafur

38 C. Muhammad-bin-Tughluq

39 D. Hemachandra (Hemu)

40 C. Alauddin Khalji

41 B. Firuz Tughluq

42 C. The journey beyond the three seas

43 C. Tobacco and Maize

44 D. Amir Khusrau

45 C. Aurangzeb

46 B. Peshwa Balaji Vishwanath

47 C. Asaf-ud-Daula

48 B. Muhammad-bin-Tughluq

49 B. Alauddin Khalji

50 A. Kavi Kalash

51 C. Baichitra Natak  

52 C. Dadu

53 B. Mahmud (Shah I) Begarha

54 B. Malwa

55 B. Land Revenue

56 C. Sikandar Lodi

57 B. Baba Farid

58 A. 11th

59 A. Khwaja Muinuddin Chisti

60 C. Silsilahs

61 A. Chisti

62 D. Assam

63 B. Maharashtra

64 B. Namadeva

65 C. Both Guru Nanak and Sultan Sikandar Lodhi above

66 A. Sangama

67 A. Alauddin Hasan Bahaman Shah

68 A. Gulbarga

69 D. Raichur Doab

70 B. Tungabhadra

71 C. Krishnadeva Raya

72 D. Krishnadeva Raya

73 C. eight great scholars of Telugu literature

74 C. Turki

75 D. Kannauj

76 C. He abolished all internal duties and taxes were levied only at the points of import and sales

77 D. Sonargaon

78 D. Kalanjar

79 B. Minister of Muhammad Adil Shah

80 A. Penukonda

81 B. Calicut

82 C. Sealord

83 A. Vasco da Gama

84 A. Albuquerque

85 A. Dutch

86 A. Rana Udai Singh

87 B. Raja Man Singh of Amber

88 D. Udaipur

89 C. Gondwana and Ahmadnagar

90 D. harmony and peace to all

91 B. It possessed the excellence of all the existing creeds but defects of none

92 D. Rejection of seclusion of women

93 D. Nuruddin Muhammad Jahangir

94 B. Nur Jahan

95 D. Guru Arjan

96 C. Thomas Roe

97 B. Jahangir

98 C. both annexation of Ahmadnagar and treaties with Bijapur and Golcunda above

99 A. Dara Shukoh

100 C. Birbal

101 A. Palas

102 A. Narsimhavarman II

103 A. Keladi

104 C. Ahmednagar

105 D. Prince Dara Shukoh

106 A. Jahangir

107 B. 1, 4, 2, 3

108 D. The fusion of the Mughal and Hindu Styles

109 D. Ulugh Khan

110 D. Afghanistan

111 D. AI-Beruni

112 B. Damayak

113 C. Iltutmish

114 D. Iltutmish

115 B. Al-Beruni

116 D. Nasiruddin Mahmud Tughluq

117 A. Qutub-ud-din Aibak

118 D. Village functionaries

119 C. Krishnadeva Raya

120 C. Alauddin Khalji

121 B. Ghiyasuddin Tughluq

122 C. Muhammad-bin-Tughluq

123 B. Mandalam

124 B. revenue assignment of a particular area in lieu of cash salary

125 C. Alauddin Khalji

126 B. Hasan Gangu

127 C. Pure Afghan      

128 C. Turks

129 D. Alauddin Khalji

130 C. Iltutmish

131 A. extension of the empire

132 B. Ahmad Shah

133 D. Tungabhadra

134 A. Tirumala

135 B. Gulbarga

136 C. historian

137 B. Ajayaraja

138 A. Virupaksha

139 B. Raichur Doab

140 B. Her intention to be the ruler not only in name but also in fact

141 C. Ghaznavids

142 C. The select body of the Turkish Aristocracy

143 B. Mongol converts to Islam

144 D. Ramanuja

145 D. Religion

146 B. Hinduism

147 B. To gain possession of the wealth of India

148 B. Afghan

149 A. Subahdar

150 B. Qanungo

151 C. Poll-tax

152 C. Hindus

153 A. land annually cultivated

154 C. Kazis

155 C. Kotwal

156 C. Emperor

157 A. cavalry

158 C. artillery

159 A. Panipat in 1526

160 B. Babar

161 B. Emperor

162 B. Gujarat

163 B. Portuguese

164 A. Samarkand

165 A. Agra

166 C. Surat

167 B. raw silk

168 B. prohibited cow-killing

169 B. Babar

170 C. Prince Dara Shukoh

171 A. Princess Gulbadan Begum

172 D. Shah Jahan

173 A. Persian

174 A. Mughal court

175 C. Akbar

176 C. Shah Jahan

177 C. Taj Mahal

178 A. Humayun

179 D. Shah Jahan

180 B. Mir Jumla

181 A. Musician

182 A. Raja of Rewa

183 B. Iltutmish

184 A. Kotwal

185 A. Faujdar

186 C. a confederacy (Mandala or Sangha)

187 A. Huzur Daftar

188 C. Iltutmish

189 C. I and II

190 D. Sher Shah Suri

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