Monday, June 7, 2021

Class Room Daily Dose Booklet: DDB No: Geography - English Set 14 Answers and Explanations

Class Room - Daily Dose Booklet
DDB NO: Geography 14 (English)

1 D. Lakshadweep

2 D. Madhya Pradesh : Lambada

3 A. Onam

4 A. AndhraPradesh

5 C. Christmas

6 B. 5

7 B. Sanjay Thapar

8 A. Kolkata

9 B. Tibet

10 A. Roha and Mangalore

11 D. Landslide zone : Chotanagpur Plateau

12 D. Radcliffe Line : India and Pakistan

13 D. 3 4 1 2

14 C. offshore oil exploration

15 B. Marble Rocks - Jabalpur

16 C. Kuchipudi

17 D. Tamil Nadu

18 B. Bihu - Manipur

19 C. Tezpur - Kolkata - Raipur - Kota

20 B. Ellora

21 B. Port

22 A. Chittore

23 B. Maharashtra

24 C. Lions

25 D. Sikkim

26 C. Santosh Yadav

27 D. freighter

28 C. Tamil Nadu

29 B. commercial goodS

30 B. Konark

31 C. Ganges Delta

32 A. Arabian Sea

33 C. Uttar Pradesh

34 A. Rajasthan

35 C. One-horned Rhino

36 B. Makalu

37 A. Coal

38 A. Assam

39 D. Bhadravati

40 C. Kanha

41 B. Bhubaneswar

42 D. Chidambaram

43 A. Sutlej

44 A. Assam

45 C. Jatakas

46 C. 7516.5 km

47 A. Karnataka

48 D. 7

49 B. Glass industry

50 C. Rajasthan

51 B. Ganga

52 A. Bengali

53 D. Mathura

54 C. Guptas

55 C. 1853

56 D. Visakhapatnam

57 A. M.P., Rajasthan, Maharashtra, U.P.

58 A. 3 4 1 2

59 B. Malayalam

60 C. Dadabhai Naoroji

61 C. Darjeeling

62 A. Dr. Zakir Hussain

63 D. Patiala

64 B. Orissa ,Mahanadi

65 B. Ghumar

66 A. Bijapur

67 B. Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus (Victoria Terminus)

68 A. U.P., M.P. and Rajasthan

69 B. 33 lakh

70 A. Bay of Bengal

71 A. Madurai

72 D. Kolkata

73 D. South-west monsoon

74 A. Orissa

75 C. Delhi to Amritsar

76 C. Paramveer Chakra

77 C. Zend Aveswta

78 C. 1961

79 D. Hyderabad

80 A. Paris

81 A. U.S.A. 

82 C. Pakistan

83 A. Belgium

84 D. Italy

85 A. New York

86 A. Jesus Christ

87 B. Java

88 B. Ridhi Desai

89 D. Japan

90 D. Sirimavo Bandaranaike

91 D. North-East England

92 C. U.S.A

93 A. Voyager 1

94 D. Angel Falls

95 D. Vatican city state

96 D. Nawang Gombu

97 C. Titicaca Lake

98 B. Russia

99 D. Greenland

100 B. Lunik II

101 C. Digboi

102 B. Sears Tower, U.S.A. 

103 D. Bangda in Eastern Tibet

104 C. Suez Canal

105 C. Britain

106 A. Gulf of Mexico

107 D. Malaysia

108 A. France

109 A. NCNA

110 B. Two

111 A. Afghanistan

112 D. South West Africa

113 C. chzechoslovakia

114 C. Dzongkha

115 D. Germany

116 C. Kiwis

117 D. Nicaragua

118 A. Italy

119 D. Sri Lanka

120 D. Kuwait

121 D. Nepal

122 B. Pakistan

123 B. Canada

124 C. Pakistan

125 D. flower arrangement

126 C. Majlis

127 C. Begum Khaleda Zia

128 C. Diet

129 D. Florida

130 D. 1,2,4 and 5

131 D. 914

132 D. All of these

133 A. Haryana

134 D. tribes which were earlier classified as criminal tribes

135 A. Maharashtra

136 C. Lakshadweep          

137 B. 2,1,3

138 B. Nicobar Islands

139 D. A is false, but R is true

140 A. 1872

141 D. Only 4

142 B. Madhya Pradesh, West Bengal and Uttar Pradesh

143 A. Bhils

144 C. 3 and 4

145 D. Haryana-893

146 B. 940

147 B. 1921

148 C. 19.4

149 C. Senior IAS officer Sailesh

150 C. Mizoram

151 D. 100

152 D. Naga : Shivsdyar

153 C. Madhya Pradesh

154 C. Manipuri

155 C. 3 1 2 4

156 A. Andaman and Nicobar islands

157 A. Kerala

158 B. Khasis

159 B. Both the Statements are individually true but Statement II is not the correct explanation of Statement I.

160 B. 15 years

161 C. Uttar Pradesh

162 A. Bihar

163 D. between the birth and the death rate

164 C. Both 1 and 2

165 D. Our census, our future

166 A. 1st Plan

167 A. Haryana

168 D. Negroid race

169 C. Meghalaya and Arunachal Pardesh

170 C. Lower valleys of Himalayas

171 C. Both 1 and 2

172 A. Delhi

173 D. 0.6546

174 B. its high population in the age group of 15 64 years

175 A. Kerala

176 D. Lotha is a language spoken in Nagaland

177 C. Khasi

178 A. Only 1

179 A. Only 1

180 C. Bihar

181 D. Neither 1 nor 2

182 A. 1,2,3,4

183 A. Varanasi

184 C. 2 and 3

185 B. 0.1764

186 A. Varanasi

187 D. Haryana-555

188 C. 14 goals

189 C. 2,1,3,4

190 B. 181

191 A. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A

192 B. Both A and R are true but R is not correct explanation of A

193 B. Both A and R are true but R is not correct explanation of A

194 B. Uttar Pradesh. Maharashtra, Bihar West Bengal

195 B. Both A and R are true. but R is not the correct explanation of A

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