Sunday, December 22, 2019

Instruments & Uses


1 Accelerometer  Physical acceleration

2 Actinometer  Heating power of sunlight
3 Alcholmeter  Alcoholic strength of liquids
4 Altimeter An instrument used in aircrafts for measuring altitudes
5 Ammeter An instrument used to measure the strength of an electric current 
6 Anemometer An instrument to measure the speed, direction and pressure of the wind 
7 Audiometer An intrument used to measure difference in hearing is called
8 Barkometer  Tanning liquors used in tanning leather
9 Barograph An instrument that continuously records a barometer's reading of atmospheric pressure. 
10 Barometer An instrument to measure atmospheric pressure and conditions
11 Bevameter  Mechanical properties of soil
12 Binoculars An optical instrument used for magnified view of distant objects 
13 Bolometer An instrument used to measure infrared, or heat, radiation. 
14 Brannok Device  Measuring shoe size
15 Breathalyzer  Breath alcohol content
16 Callipers An instrument used to measure the diameters of wire, tube or rod is called
17 Calorimeter  Heat of chemical reactions
18 Carburettor An apparatus used for charging air with petrol vapours in an internal combustion engine 
19 Cardiograph An instrument used for tracing movement of heart. 
20 Cathetometer  Vertical distances
21 Ceilometer  Height of a cloud base
22 Chronometer A clock that keeps very accurate time and determines longitude of a vessel at sea. 
23 Cinematograph An apparatus used for projecting pictures on the screen 
24 Clap-o-meter  Volume of applause
25 Compass  Direction of north
26 Computer Data processing machine used to perform large and complex calculation based on the user input 
27 Creepmeter  Slow surface displacement of an active geologic fault in the earth
28 Crescograph An instrument used for measuring growth in plants. 
29 Cryometer  A device that measures low temperature 
30 Cyclotron An appratus used for accelerating charged particles 
31 Declinometer  Magnetic declination
32 Densimeter  Specific gravity of liquids
33 Densitometer  Degree of darkness in photographic or semitransparent material
34 Dialtometer  Volume changes caused by a physical or chemical process
35 Diffractometer  Structure of crystals
36 Disdrometer  Size, speed, and velocity of raindrops
37 Dosimeter  Exposure to hazards, especially radiation; radiation of item
38 Dynamo A device which converts mechanical energy into electrical energy 
39 Dynamometer  Force, torque or power
40 Electricity Meter  Electrical energy used
41 Electrometer An instrument used for measuring electrical potential differences 
42 Electronic Tuner  Pitch of musical notes
43 Electroscope An instrument used for detecting the presence of electric charge 
44 Ellipsometer  Refractive index, dielectric function, thickness of thin films
45 Endoscope An instrument used to examine internal parts of the body. 
46 Eudiometer A glass tube for measuring volumes changes in the chemical reactions between gases. 
47 Evaporimeter  Rate of evaporation
48 Fathometer An instrument used for measuring depth of the ocean 
49 Framing Square  Right angles in construction
50 Frequency Counter  Frequency of alternating current
51 Fuel Gauge  Fuel levels
52 Galvanometer An instrument used for measuring electric current 
53 Gas Pycnometer  Volume and density of solids
54 Geiger Counter  Ionizing radiation (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)
55 Glucometer  Blood glucose (diabetes)
56 Gramophone A machine for reproducing recorded sound. 
57 Graphometer  Angles
58 Heliometer  Variation of the sun’s diameter
59 Hydrometer  Specific gravity of liquids (density of liquids)
60 Hydrophone  A microphone designed to be used underwater for recording or listening to underwater sound. 
61 Hygrometer An instrument used to measure the moisture content or the humidity of air or any gas. 
62 Inclinometer  Angle of a slope
63 Infrared Thermometer  Measures heat radiated
64 Inkometer  Ink
65 Instrument  Quantity measured
66 Interferometer  Wave interference
67 Katharometer  Composition of gases
68 Lactometer An instrument used for relative density of milk 
69 Light meter  Light (in photography)
70 Load Cell  Measurement of force
71 Lux meter  Intensity of light
72 Machmeter  An instrument used in an aircraft indicating airspeed
73 Magnetometer  Strength of magnetic fields
74 Manometer  A device used to measure atmospheric pressure
75 Mass flow meter  Mass flow rate of a fluid travelling through a tube
76 Mass Spectrometer  Masses of ions, used to identify chemical substances through their mass spectra
77 Measuring Spoon  A spoon used to measure an amount of an ingredient, either liquid or dry
78 Megger  Electrical insulation
79 Mercury Barometer  Atmospheric pressure
80 Micrometer  Small distances
81 Microphone  A device which converts sound waves into electrical signals.
82 Microscope An instrument used for magnified view of very small objects 
83 Multimeter  Electrical potential, resistance, and current
84 Nephelometer  Particle in a liquid
85 Nephoscope  To measure the speed and direction of clouds
86 Odometer  An instrument attached to the wheel of a vehicle, to measure the distance traversed.
87 Ohmmeter  Electrical resistance
88 Optometer  An instrument for testing the refractive power of the eye
89 Orchidometer  Testicle size in male humans
90 Oscilloscope  Oscillations
91 Osmometer  Osmotic strength of a solution, colloid, or compound matter of an object
92 Otoscope  An instrument designed for visual examination of the eardrum
93 Parking Meter  Collects moneys for vehicle parking rights in a zone for a limited time
94 Pedometer  Steps
95 Periscope An apparatus used in submarines for viewing objects lying above the eye level of the observer 
96 PH meter  Ph (chemical acidity/basicity of a solution)
97 Phonograph  An instrument used for reproducing sound.
98 Photometer An instrument used for comparing the luminous intensity of two sources of light 
99 Planometer  Area
100 Polarimeter  Rotation of polarized light
101 Potentiometer  Voltage (term is also used to refer to a variable resistor)
102 Profilometer  Surface roughness
103 Protractor  Angles
104 Psychrometer  Humidity
105 Pycnometer  Fluid density
106 Pyranometer  Solar radiation
107 Pyrheliometer  An instrument used for measuring solar radiation 
108 Pyrometer An instrument used to measure high temperature 
109 Quadrant  An instrument used for taking angular measurements of altitude in astronomy and navigation 
110 Quadrat  Percentage cover of a certain species
111 Radiometer  Radiant flux of electromagnetic radiation
112 Rain Gauge An instrument used to measure rainfall 
113 Refractometer  An instrument for measuring a refractive index of a substance
114 Rheometer  Response to applied forces
115 Radar Radio, detection & ranging
116 Rotameter  Pressure of a liquid or gas in a closed tube
117 Saccharometer  Amount of sugar in a solution
118 Seismometer  Seismic waves (for example, earthquakes)
119 Sextant An instrument used for measuring angular distance between two objects 
120 Siesmograph An instrument used for recording the intensity and origin of earthquakes shocks 
121 Spectrometer  Properties of light
122 Spectrophotometer  Intensity of light as a function of wavelength
123 Spectroscope  An instrument used for spectrum analysis
124 Speedometer An instrument used for measuring speed of the vehicle 
125 Spherometer  Radius of a sphere
126 Sphygmomanometer  An instrument for measuring blood pressure 
127 Spirometer  The lung capacity
128 Stadimeter  Object range
129 Stethoscope  A medical instrument used for hearing and analysing the sound of heart
130 Strainmeter  Seismic strain
131 SWR mter  Standing wave ratio
132 Tachometer  Revolutions per minute, rate of blood flow, speed of aeroplanes
133 Tangent Galvoneter Measure the amount of direct currect (dc)
134 Taximeter  Distance travelled, displacement
135 Telemeter  An apparatus for recording the readings of an instrument and transmitting them by radio is called?
136 Telescope  An instrument used for magnified view of distant objects
137 Tensiometer  Surface tension of a liquid
138 Theodolite  Measuring angles in the horizontal and vertical planes
139 Thermometer An instrument used for measuring the temperature of the human body 
140 Thermostat  A device that automatically regulates constant temperatures 
141 Tiltmeter  Minor changes to the earth
142 Tintometer  Colour
143 Transformer An apparatus used for converting high voltage to low and vice-versa 
144 Vacuum Gauge  Very low pressure
145 Vernier Scale  A small scale calibrated to indicate fractional divisions of the main scale
146 Viscometer  An instrument used for measuring viscosity
147 Voltmeter An intrument used to measure potential difference between two points 
148 Watt Meter  Electrical power
149 Wind Vane  Wind direction
150 Zymometer  Fermentation

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