Friday, December 20, 2019


61. Human Resource Management (HRM) functions are not confined to business establishments; they are applicable to non-business organisations as well.
a. True              b. False

62. Which of these activities are not included in the scope of human resource management?
a. Job analysis and design          b. Motivation and communication       

c. Safety and health                 d. Organizational structure and design

63. HRM differs from PM both in ____ and ____
a. Definitions and functions        b. Scope and orientation    

c. Functions and objectives         d. None of the above

64. Which of the following is not an objective of the Human Resource Management Function?
a. Societal objectives         b. Political objectives          

c. Personal Objectives       d. Organisational Objectives

65. Match the following objectives and functions:
I. Functional -------------   A. Union - Management Relations

II. Organisational ---------  B. Compensation

III. Societal --------------   C. Employee Relations

IV. Personal ---------------  D. Assessment

a. I-D, II-C, III-a, IV-B                      b. I-C, II-B, III-D, IV-A    

c. I-B, II-C, III-A, IV-D                      d. I-A, II-B, III-C, IV-D

66. __________ is the process by which employers transfer routine or peripheral work to another organisation that specializes in that work and can perform it more efficiently.
a. Farming out           b. Production Management         

c. Compensation        d. Outsourcing

67. Which of the following companies were awarded as the best employers in 2006 - 2007 by Hewitt?
a. Agilent Tech                  b. ICICI Bank                    

c. HCL                              d. Videocon

68. Organisations need to evolve HR policies as they ensure _____ and _____ in treating people.
a. Constancy and similarity         b. Intention and safety              

c. Consistency and uniformity     d. None of the above

69. Sound policies do not help in resolving intrapersonal, interpersonal and intergroup conflicts.
a. True              b. False

70. Which of these are the principle sources for determining the content and meaning of policies?
a. Knowledge and experience gained from handling problems on a day to day basis

b. Past practices in the organisation

c. Attitudes and philosophy of the founders, top management, middle and lower management

d. Prevailing practices in rival companies

e. All of the above


61.A  62.D  63.B  64.B  65.A  66.D  67.A  68.C  69.B  70.E 

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