Friday, December 20, 2019

Public Orientation Redressal



•    The grievances of citizens against government machinery need to be heard and redressed otherwise, citizens will tend to withdraw their loyalty towards it.

•    In a developing country like ours, Government has to perform many functions.
•    The citizens depend on the services provided by various government agencies.
•    To levy rice, wheat and sugar from a ration shop, a citizen has to have a ration card issued by the Government.

•    To obtain a ration card is not very difficult, but the quality of services is far from satisfactory. For most things in life, citizens depend on the services and facilities provided by government agencies.
•    It is a common experience that the citizens often face difficulties in dealing with government agencies.
•    Too many rules and regulations are there, resulting in unnecessary delay.
•    Trains or buses may not run on time. The banks, the hospitals, the police are often not co-operative.

 Importance of Redressal of Grievances in a Democracy  :
•    Delay or harassment and unhelpful attitude of government departments and agencies create a bad image of government.
•    At the same time, it has to be accepted that government has to undertake many functions in the interest of the public.

•    The difficulties that the members of the public face in getting services, make the people unhappy and dissatisfied. The poor people suffer most.
•    They badly need government support and services, but they are the ones who are often harassed and turned down. This is obviously bad for the healthy democracy.
•    The average citizen wants sympathetic, courteous and helpful public administration. If there are too many public grievances against the government agencies, corrective measures have to be taken to redress those grievances.
•    The Administrative Reforms Commission was set up by the Government of India in 1966.
•    On the “Problems of Redress of Citizens’ Grievances”, the commission said the following:
•    “When the citizen can establish the genuineness of his case, it is plainly the duty of the state to set right the wrong done to him. 

An institution for redress of grievances must be provided within the democratic system of government. It has to be an institution in which the average citizen will have faith and confidence and through which he will be able to secure quick and inexpensive justice”.

Instruments of Redressal of Grievances  :

•    To deal with administrative-corruption and to redress citizens’ grievances, simplification of rules and procedures has been suggested and carried on in practice. Besides these, new institutions have also been recommended and actually set up in many countries.

•    Created for the redressal of public grievances, the institution of “Ombudsman” is typically Scandinavian.
•    The office of Ombudsman has been in existence in Sweden since 1809 and in Finland since 1919. Denmark introduced the system in 1955. 

•    Norway and New Zealand adopted it in 1962, and the United Kingdom appointed the Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration in 1967.
•    Several countries in the world have since adopted the Ombudsman-like institution.

•    Ombudsman, a Swedish word, stands for an officer appointed by the legislature to handle complaints against administrative and judicial action. 

•    As an impartial investigator, the ombudsman makes investigations, gets at the facts objectively, and reports back to the legislature. 

The complainant has simply to write to the ombudsman appealing against an administrative decision.

•     The ombudsman system has been popular because of its simple and speedy nature. It is a cheap method of handling appeals against administrative decisions.
•    When a citizen or consumer finds good and service defective he/she can take the shelter of Consumer Protection Act enacted in 1986. 

The Right to Information Act (RTI) has also been passed by the Parliament of our country to know what has happened in regard to his/ her complaint.

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