Wednesday, January 8, 2020



1.    One type of liquid contains 20% water and the second type of liquid contains 35% water.A glass filled with  8 parts of the first liquid and 5 parts of the second liquid.The water percentage  in the new mixture is
A)25.75        B)25.76        C)25.67    D)25.56    E)None of these

2.    In an examination there are 3 subjects Maths, Science and Social of 100 marks each. Ganesh scores 60%  and 80% in Maths and Science. He scored 70% in aggregate. His Percentage of mark in Social is
A)50        B)60        C)70        D)80        E)None of these

3.    If the radius of the circle is increased by 5% then the area is increased by
A)10.20        B)10.22        C)10.24    D)10.25    E)None of these

4.    A number is mistakenly divided by 8 instead of being multiplied by 8.What is the percentage of error in the result?
A)    98.43        B)98.34        C)95.76        D)97.76        E)None of these

5.    A book consist of 45 pages, 30 lines on each page and 60 character on each line. If this content is written in another note      book consisting of 40 lines and 32 character or line then the required no of pages will be how much percentage more than the previous no of pages ?
A)20%        B)30%        C)40%        D)50%        E)None of these

6.    In an election a candidate who got 25% of the total votes polled was defeated by his rival by 270 votes. Assuming that there were only 2 candidates in the election, the total number of votes polled was
A)400        B)500        C)440        D)540        E)None of these

7.    The total number of girls in a class is 45% more than the total number of boys in the class. The total number of students in the class is 294 then what is the difference between the total number of girls and boys?
A)    54        B)52        C)76        D)78        E)70

8.    The population of a town is 16500.During the last 3 years, the population increased at the rate of 20% per year. The population 3 years ago was
A)9546        B)9547        C)9548        D)9549        E)9550

9.    The passing marks in an examination is 40%.If Ashok gets 88 marks and is declared failed by 10 marks, then the maximum mark in the examination is
A)    240        B)242        C)245        D)246        E)None of these

10.    From the salary, Akilesh spent 15% for house rent, 5% for children’s education and 15% for Entertainment. Now he left with Rs.13,000. His salary is
A)19,000        B)20,000        C)18,000        D)15,000

Answer Keys:

1. B
2. C
3. D
4. A
5. C
6. D
7. A
8. D
9. C
10. B

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