Wednesday, January 8, 2020



1. In an alloy, there is 15% of brass, to get 90 kg of brass, how much alloy is needed ?
a) 400 kg        b) 500 kg        c) 600 kg        d) 700

2. 25 litre of solution contains alcohol and water in the ratio 2:3. How much alcohol must be added to the solution to make a solution containing 60% of alcohol ?
a) 10.5 ltr        b) 11.5 ltr        c) 12.5 ltr        d) 13.5 ltr

3. In an examination if a person get 20% of the marks then it is fail by 30 marks. Another person who gets 30% marks gets 30 marks more than the passing marks. Find out the total marks and the passing marks.
a) 600 and 150        b) 600 and 180    c) 500 and 150        d) 500 and 180

4. A company has produced 900 pieces of transistor out of which 15% are defective and out of remaining 20 % were not sold. Find out the number of sold transistor.
a) 610        b) 611        c) 612        d) 614

5. In an election the votes between the winner and loser candidate are in the ratio 5:1. If total number of eligible voters are 1000, out of which 12% did not cast their vote and among the remaining vote 10% declared invalid. What is the number of votes the winner candidate get ?
a) 620        b) 630        c) 640        d) 660

6. If the price of a commodity is increased by 30%, by how much % a consumer must reduce his consumption so to keep the expenditure same ?
a) 100/13        b) 200/13        c) 300/13        d) 400/13

7. 1000 sweets need to be distributed equally among the school students in such a way that each student gets sweet equal to 10% of total students. Then the number of sweets, each student gets.
a) 10        b) 12        c) 14        d) 16

8. Rishi salary is first increased by 20% and then decreased by 25%. How much percent the salary increased/decreased?
a) 5%        b) 10%        c) 15%        d)20%

9. The income of a person is 10000 and its expenditure is 6000 and thus saves 4000rs. In the next year his income is increased by 10% and its expenditure increased by 20%. Now his saving is what percent lower than the previous saving.
a) 5%        B) 7.5%        c) 10%        d) 15%
10. 40% of the students like Mathematics, 50% like English and 10% like both Mathematics and English. What % of the students like neither English nor Mathematics?
A) 25%        B) 10%        C) 20%        D) 60%        E) 80%

Answer Keys:
1. C
2. C
3. A
4. C
5. D
6. C
7. A
8. B
9. A
10. C

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