Thursday, January 23, 2020


Magme Guru


1. In which of the following cases is a joint session of the two Houses of Parliament not necessary?            A Bill to amend the Constitution
2. Which of the following is not a tool of legislative control over administration in India?             Dissolution of House
3. The Secretary General of the Lok Sabha is the Chief of its Secretariat and is?    Appointed by the Speaker
4. Main Standing Committee of Lok Sabha is / are?         Public Accounts, Public Understanding, Estimate
5. To whom does the Public Accounts Committee submits its report?    Speaker of Lok Sabha
6. The work of General Purpose Committee is to advice the?     Speaker
7. Which one of the following is not a Parliamentary Committee? Demands for? Grants Committee
8. Which of the following Committees are sometimes described as ‘Twin Sisters’?              Public Account and Estimate Committees
9. To which of the following Bills the President must accord his sanction without sending it back for fresh consideration?         Money Bill
10. All of the following statements in regard to Money Bills are incorrect, except?      A Money Bill can only be introduced in Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha has no power to make a change in it against the will of Lok Sabha

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