Wednesday, April 29, 2020



1. How many address bits are needed to select all memory locations in the 2118 16K × 1 RAM?
A.8        B.10        C.14        D.16
Answer: Option C
2. The check sum method of testing a ROM:
A. indicates if the data in more than one memory location is incorrect.
B. provides a means for locating and correcting data errors in specific memory locations.
C. allows data errors to be pinpointed to a specific memory location.
D. simply indicates that the contents of the ROM are incorrect.
Answer: Option D

3. The main advantage of semiconductor RAM is its ability to:
A.retain stored data when power is interrupted or turned off written to and read from rapidly randomly accessed sequentially accessed
Answer: Option B

4. What is the meaning of RAM, and what is its primary role?
A. Readily Available Memory; it is the first level of memory used by the computer in all of its operations.
B. Random Access Memory; it is memory that can be reached by any sub- system within a computer, and at any time.
C. Random Access Memory; it is the memory used for short-term temporary data storage within the computer.
D. Resettable Automatic Memory; it is memory that can be used and then automatically reset, or cleared, after being read from or written to.
Answer: Option C

5. The storage element for a static RAM is the ________.
A. diode        B. resistor        C. capacitor        D .flip-flop
Answer: Option D
6. In a DRAM, what is the state of R/W during a read operation?
A.Low            B.High            C.Hi-Z            D.None of the above
Answer: Option B
7. The condition occurring when two or more devices try to write data to a bus simultaneously is called ________.
A. address decoding    B. bus contention    C.bus collisions        D.address multiplexing
Answer: Option B
8. Which is/are the basic refresh mode(s) for dynamic RAM?
A.Burst refresh        B.Distributed refresh    C.Open refresh
D.Burst refresh and distributed refresh
Answer: Option D

9.One of the most important specifications on magnetic media is the ________.
A.rotation speed    B.tracks per inch transfer rate    D.polarity reversal rate
Answer: Option C

10. What is the bit storage capacity of a ROM with a 1024 × 8 organization?
A.1024        B.2048        C.4096        D.8192
Answer: Option D

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