Monday, April 27, 2020



1. In spite of the very high temperature at the Earth's centre, the inner core is not in a molten state because the
(a) core has a very high melting point
(b) core is full of gases
(c) great pressure at the centre raises the melting point of the rocks
(d) core is impervious to heat
Ans: (c)
2. The meeting or warm and cold currents in the ocean lives rise to
(a) frost
(b) rain
(c) fog
(d) cloud-burst
Ans: (c)
3. The actual amount or moisture contained in the air is known as
(a) relative humidity
(b) moisture content
(c) dew point
(d) absolute humidity
Ans: (d)
4. Tropical rain forests appear in which or the following regions?
(a) Australia, New Zealand and Fiji Islands
(b) North and South of the Congo Basin
(c) Central America and Guinea Coast
(d) South America and South Africa
Ans: (b)
5. The tropical deciduous trees shed their leaves in summer because
(a) of the heat of the summer
(b) the rainfall is inadequate
(c) it prevents loss of moisture through transpiration
(d) deciduous trees shed leaves
Ans: (c)
6. The age of a tree can be estimated by
(a) its height
(b) the girth of its trunk
(c) the number and size of its branches
(d) the number of concentric rings on a cross-section of its trunk
Ans: (d)
7. The phenomenon known as the "Midnight Sun" is caused by
(a) The rotation of the Earth on its axis
(b) Sun spots
(c) Inclination of the Earth's axis
(d) Nuclear explosions
Ans: (c)
8. The continents of the world are mainly composed of
(a) core
(b) mantal
(c) sial
(d) sima
Ans: (c)
9. The difference in mean temperature between the hottest and coldest months in a year is known as
(a) average annual temperature
(b) mean temperature
(c) annual range of temperature
(d) isothermic range of temperature
Ans: (c)
10. By what name the Third World Countries are now commonly referred to?
(a) Least developed countries
(b) Underdeveloped countries
(c) Developing countries
(d) Underdeveloped countries
Ans: (c)

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