Thursday, June 18, 2020



1501). Which is wrongly matched?
A). Pellagra - Niacin deficiency
B). Peristalsis - Vitamin A deficiency
C). Scurvy - Vitamin C deficiency
D). Rickets - Vitamin D deficiency

Answer: Peristalsis - Vitamin A deficiency

1502). Match the following :
List I                                          List II
a) Leukemia                    1) Reduction in WBC count
b) Hemophilia                  2) Decreased HB content
c) Anaemia                      3) Failure of blood clotting
d) Leucobenia                  4) Abnormal increase in the WBC

Below codes are given in AB C D order
A). 4 3 2 1
B). 1 2 3 4
C). 1 4 3 2
D). 3 4 1 2

Answer: 4 3 2 1

1503). Malaria Yellow fever and Filariasis diseases are transmitted by
A). Tsetse fly
B). Sand fly
C). Mosquito
D). Body lice

Answer: Mosquito

1504). The relation between seasonal changes of temperature and body form is exhibited by cladocerans is known as
A). Cyclosis
B). Cyclomorphosis
C). Thermotrophism
D). Diapause

Answer: Cyclomorphosis

1505). Choose the correct answer. A male receives 'X' chromosome from
I. mother only
II. father only
III. both his mother and father
IV. either mother or father
A). III only
B). I and II
C). IV only
D). I only

Answer: I only

1506). Consider the following pairs :
I. Glucoside - Digitoxin
II. Tannin - Ephedrine
III. Resin - Canada balsam
IV.Gum - Reserpine
Which of the pairs given above is/are correct?
A). I and IV
B). I and II
C). III and IV
D). I and III

Answer: I and III

1507). Match the following List I with List II with regards to reservoir. Select correct answer using the codes given below the lists :
   List I                                   List II
a) Human being                     1) Cholera
b) Livestock                           2) Ring worm
c) Rodents                             3) Plague
d) Dogs and Cat                     4) Anthrax

Below codes are given in A B C D order
A). 1 2 3 4
B). 3 4 2 1
C). 1 4 3 2
D). 2 3 1 4

Answer: 1 4 3 2

1508). Energy flow in a eco system is
A). Unidirectional
B). Multidirectional
C). Bidirectional
D). No direction

Answer: Unidirectional

1509). Which of the following statement is correct?
I. When blood glucose level decreases, the hormone glucagon signals the liver to produce and release more glucose and to stop consuming it for its own needs.
II. When blood glucose level decreases, the hormone glucagon signals the liver to produce and release more glucose and to increase consuming it for its own needs.
III.When blood glucose level is high, insulin signals liver to synthesis and storage of glycogen and triacyl glycerol.
IV. When blood glucose level is high, insulin signals liver to stop the synthesis and storage of glycogen and triacyl glycerol.
A). I and III
B). I and IV
C). II and III
D). II and IV

Answer: I and III

1510). Which of the following vitamins are water soluble?
A). Thiamine, Riboflavin, Vitamin-D and Vitamin-E
B). Niacin, Vitamin-B12,Vitamin K and Vitamin-D
C). Thiamine, RibofIavin, Niacin and Vitamin-B12
D). Vitamin-C, Vitamin-E, Vitamin-K and Folic Acid

Answer: Thiamine, RibofIavin, Niacin and Vitamin-B12

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