1691). In which process oxyger is directly used?
A). Glycolysis
B). Fermentatien
C). Kreb's cycle
D). Electron transport
Answer: Kreb's cycle
1692). The living part of a cell is called
A). cell wall
B). protoplasm
C). hyaloplasm
D). cell sap
Answer: protoplasm
1693). Every living cell has a
A). membrane
B). food vacuole
C). chloroplast
D). Cell wall
Answer: membrane
1694). One micron is equal to
A). 1/1000 mm
B). 1/1000 A
C). 1/1000 m.micron
D). 1/1000 cm
Answer: 1/1000 mm
1695). Glycolysis take place in
A). Cytoplasm
B). Mitochondria
C). Vacuoles
D). Chloroplast
Answer: Cytoplasm
1696). Select the correct sequence of food chain :
A). Cattle ---> Grass ---> Man
B). Grass ---> Man ---> Cattle
C). Grass ---> Cattle ---> Man
D). Man ---> Cattle ---> Grass
Answer: Grass ---> Cattle ---> Man
1697). The pathogen of citrus canker is
A). Xanthomonas citri
B). Tobacco mosaic virus
C). Albugo candida
D). Leptospira
Answer: Xanthomonas citri
1698). Pick the odd one out
A). Berry
B). Capsule
C). Drupe
D). Pepo
Answer: Capsule
1699). Match List-I with List-II correctly and select your answer using the codes given below:
List-I List-II
a) Perianth 1) Accessory whorl
b) Calyx 2) Monocot
c) Gynoceium 3) Annona
d) Valvate 4) Carpel
The below options are given in A B C D order:
A). 2 1 4 3
B). 4 3 1 2
C). 2 3 1 4
D). 2 3 4 1
Answer: 2 1 4 3
1700). Pick the odd one out
A). Carpel
B). Stamen
C). Ovule
D). Petal
Answer: Petal
A). Glycolysis
B). Fermentatien
C). Kreb's cycle
D). Electron transport
Answer: Kreb's cycle
1692). The living part of a cell is called
A). cell wall
B). protoplasm
C). hyaloplasm
D). cell sap
Answer: protoplasm
1693). Every living cell has a
A). membrane
B). food vacuole
C). chloroplast
D). Cell wall
Answer: membrane
1694). One micron is equal to
A). 1/1000 mm
B). 1/1000 A
C). 1/1000 m.micron
D). 1/1000 cm
Answer: 1/1000 mm
1695). Glycolysis take place in
A). Cytoplasm
B). Mitochondria
C). Vacuoles
D). Chloroplast
Answer: Cytoplasm
1696). Select the correct sequence of food chain :
A). Cattle ---> Grass ---> Man
B). Grass ---> Man ---> Cattle
C). Grass ---> Cattle ---> Man
D). Man ---> Cattle ---> Grass
Answer: Grass ---> Cattle ---> Man
1697). The pathogen of citrus canker is
A). Xanthomonas citri
B). Tobacco mosaic virus
C). Albugo candida
D). Leptospira
Answer: Xanthomonas citri
1698). Pick the odd one out
A). Berry
B). Capsule
C). Drupe
D). Pepo
Answer: Capsule
1699). Match List-I with List-II correctly and select your answer using the codes given below:
List-I List-II
a) Perianth 1) Accessory whorl
b) Calyx 2) Monocot
c) Gynoceium 3) Annona
d) Valvate 4) Carpel
The below options are given in A B C D order:
A). 2 1 4 3
B). 4 3 1 2
C). 2 3 1 4
D). 2 3 4 1
Answer: 2 1 4 3
1700). Pick the odd one out
A). Carpel
B). Stamen
C). Ovule
D). Petal
Answer: Petal
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