Wednesday, June 17, 2020



691) India first won the Olympic Hockey gold at
A) London
B) Berlin
C) Amsterdam
D) Los Angeles
Answer:  Amsterdam
692) What is the length of each stump in cricket ?
A) 28 inches
B) 32 inches
C) 2 ft
D) 2 '2 ft
Answer:  28 inches
693) Which of the following is correctly matched ?
A) Cricket : Gully
B) Boxing : Punch
C) Chess : Checkmate
D) Tennis : Bully
Answer:  Tennis : Bully
694) Rangaswami Cup is associated with which of the following ?
A) Hockey
B) Polo
C) Badminton
D) Basket hall
Answer:  Hockey
695) Which of the following are the differences between the Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles?
1. Fundamental Rights are negative instructions, while the Directive Principles are positive instruction to the government.
2. Fundamental Rights are justiciable while the Directive Principles are nonjusticiable.
3. Fundamental Rights enjoy constitu tional basis while the Directive Principles are based on conventions.

A) 1 and 2
B) 1 and 3
C) 1, 2 and 3
D) None of these
Answer:  1 and 2

696) Which of the following are listed as a Directive Principle in our Constitution?
1. Complete freedom in the economic field for the interest of consumers and producers.
2. Regulation of economic system of the country so as to prevent concentration of wealth and means of production.
3. To ensure decent standard of living and facilities of leisure for all workers.
4. To protect and improve the environment and to safeguard forests and wild life.
A) 2 and 3
B) 2, 3 and 4
C) 2 and 4
D) 3 and 4
Answer:  3 and 4
697) What are the Gandhian Principles incorporated in the lndian Constitution?
1. Efforts to be made for the development of weaker or backward sections of the society.
2. Prohibition on the use of intoxicating liquor except for medicinal purposes.
3. Organisation of village panchayats.
4. Establishment of cottage and small scale industries in rural areas.
A) 1,3 and 4
B) 1,2 and 3
C) 2,3 and 4
D) All of these
Answer:  All of these
698) Consider the following statements about the Directive Principles of State Policy and find
out the correct answer
A) While the Fundamental Rights restrain the government from doing certain things. the
Directive Principles exhort the government to do certain things.
B) The DPSPs are not enforceable in the courts and do not create any justicable rights in
favour of the individuals.
C) The Supreme Courtin Kesavananda Bharati case ruled that DPSPs constitute the basic
features of the Constitution and cannot be changed by Parliament.
D) All of the above are correct
Answer:  All of the above are correct
699) The Directive Principles are in the nature of
A) judicial injunctions to the Government to enact certain laws
B) request 'to the Government to pay attention to certain subjects
C) injunctions to the Government to refrain from doing certain things
D) instructions to the Government to do certain things
Answer:  instructions to the Government to do certain things
700) Which Constitutional Amendment granted a position of primacy to all the Directive
Principles over Fundamental Rights?
A) 24th
B) 25th
C) 36th
D) 42nd
Answer:  42nd

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