Wednesday, June 17, 2020



741) A Money Bill can originated in the State Legislature only with the prior consent of the
1. Chief Minister
2. President
3. Governor
4. None of these
Choose the right answer from the codes
A) Only 1
B) Only 2
C) Only 3
D) 1 and 3
Answer:  Only 3
742) Which one of the following statements is correct?
1. The Governor is the ex officio Chairman of the Legislative Council.
2. The Speaker of the Legislative Assembly also acts as the Chairman of the Legislative Council.
3. The Council elects its own Chairman from amongst its members.
A) 1 and 2
B) 1 and 3
C) Only 3
D) None of these
Answer:  Only 3
743) The provisions of the Constitution relating to the establishment and abolition of the Legislative Councils can be amended by
A) two-thirds majority of the two Houses of Parliament and majority of the States
B) special majority by State Legislative Assembly and simple majority of the Parliament
C) two thirds majority of the two Houses of Parliament
D) None of the above
Answer:  special majority by State Legislative Assembly and simple majority of the Parliament
744) Which one of the following States possess a bicameral Legislature?
1. Punjab
2. Bihar
3. Karnataka
4. Maharashtra
Choose the right answer from the Options given below
A) 2 and 3
B) 2, 3 and 4
C) 2 and 4
D) 1, 2 and 3
Answer:  2, 3 and 4
745) The total strength of the Legislative Council is
A) one-third of the total membership of Legislative Assembly but it should not be less than 40
B) equal to the strength of the State Legislative Assembly
C) half the strength of the total membership of the State Legislative Assembly
D) one third of the total membership of the Legislative Assembly but it should not be less than 100
Answer:  one-third of the total membership of Legislative Assembly but it should not be less than 40

746) The Legislative Council in a State having bicameral legislature
A) is known as Upper House
B) can be abolished or created in the States having unicameral legislatures through an Act of the Parliament
C) can be abolished by the Governor on a resolution passed by a two thirds majority by the State Legislative Assembly
D) can be abolished by the President on the recommendation of the Governor
Answer:  can be abolished or created in the States having unicameral legislatures through an Act of the Parliament
747) Bicameral legislatures have been provided in some States under the Constitution. In case of a deadlock between the two houses in such States
A) joint sitting is called by the Governor and the decision by the majority is taken as final decision
B) decision of the Governor is final
C) the opinion of the Legislative Assembly is taken as final after a lapse of specified period
D) the matter is referred to the President for decision
Answer:  the opinion of the Legislative Assembly is taken as final after a lapse of specified period
748) Which of the following is/are correct?
The Legislative Council of a State
1. is not subject to dissolution.
2. can be abolished by the State Legislative Assembly.
3. can be abolished by the President on the Governors recommendation.
A) Only 1
B) 1, 2 and 3
C) 1 and 2
D) 1 and 3
Answer:  1 and 2
749) The members of the Legislative Council are appointed through
1. direct elections.
2. indirect elections.
3. nomination.
A) 1 and 2
B) 2 and 3
C) 1, 2 and 3
D) 1 and 3
Answer:  1, 2 and 3
750) Who among the following can't be member of Legislative Council
A) Member of local bodies
B) Teachers of 3 year standing in the state lower in standard than secondary school
C) Graduate of 3 year standing and residing within the state
D) Person having special knowledge practical experience of literature, science, art, cooperative movement and social service
Answer:  Teachers of 3 year standing in the state lower in standard than secondary school

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