Thursday, June 18, 2020



801) The 73rd Amendment of the Indian Constitution deals with
A) Panchayati Raj
B) compulsory primary education
C) Nagar Palika
D) minimum age of marriage
Answer:  Panchayati Raj
802) In the context of Panchayati Raj, which one of the following is true about Gram Sabha?
A) This is the topmost tier of the Panchayati Raj
B) It consists of all the voters residing in the jurisdiction of a village panchayat
C) It is the executive body consisting of selected representatives from village panchayat
D) It consists of all adult males of the village panchayat
Answer:  It consists of all the voters residing in the jurisdiction of a village panchayat
803) Which one of the following Amendments of the Constitution of India deals with the issue of strengthening of the Panchayati Raj?
A) 42nd
B) 44th
C) 73rd
D) 86th
Answer:  73rd
804) State Finance Commission is appointed by a State Government every 5 year to determine
1 Financial resources of the state for placing states requirements before the Union Governments.
2 Development requirements of the state for forming state 5 year plan.
3 Budgetary requirements of various departments of the State government.
4 Pattern of distribution of states tax revenue between the State government and local bodies and the pattern of grant-in-aid local bodies.
Which of the statements given above is/are corrects?
A) 1 and 4
B) 3 and 4
C) Only 4
D) Only 1
Answer:  Only 4
805) The Ashok Mehta Committee laid greater emphasis on
A) Gram Sabha
B) Mandal Panchayat
C) Taluka Panchayat Samiti
D) Zila Parishad
Answer:  Zila Parishad

806) Which of the following is not a recommendation of the Ashok Mehta Committee on Panchayati Raj?
A) Open participation of political parties in Panchayati Raj affairs
B) Creation of a three tier system
C) Reservation of seats for scheduled castes and scheduled tribes
D) Compulsory powers of taxation to Panthayati Raj institution
Answer:  Creation of a three tier system
807) In which of the following states, there is a provision of Tribal Areas?
1. Assam
2. Meghalaya
3. Tripura
4. Mizoram
A) 1, 2 and 3
B) 2, 3 and 4
C) 1, 3 and 4
D) All of these
Answer:  All of these
808) Who amongst the following is considered to be “Father of Local Self Government” in India?
A) Lord Dalhousie
B) Lord Canning
C) Lord Curzon
D) Lord Ripon
Answer:  Lord Ripon
809) The minimum age for contesting Panchayat Elections is
A) 25 years
B) 21 years
C) 18 years
D) 30 years
Answer:  21 years
810) Major in-Council form of government means
1. Making Major unaccountable to his colleagues.
2. Presidential form of government at municipal levels.
3. Classical prefectural form of government at the municipal level.
4. Cabinet form of government at the municipal level.
Which of the statements given above is/are corrects
A) Only 3
B) 1 and 3
C) Only 4
D) None of these
Answer:  Only 4

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