821) Which of the following committee recommended for according to a constitutional position to the Panchayati Raj?A) Balwant Rai Mehta Committee
B) Ashok Mehta Committee
C) Rao Committee
D) LM Singhvi Committee
Answer: LM Singhvi Committee
822) Functions to be assigned to Panchayats by 73rd Amendment of the Constitution are mentioned in
A) tenth schedule
B) eleventh schedule
C) twelfth schedule
D) thirteen schedule
Answer: eleventh schedule
823) Provisions regarding Panchayats and Municipalities was made in the Indian Constitution in which year?
A) 1991
B) 1993
C) 1995
D) 2000
Answer: 1993
824) When and where Panchayati Raj system in India was introduced?
A) 5th July 1957; Firozabad (UP)
B) 2nd October 1959; Nagaur (Rajasthan)
C) 14th November 1959; Ahmedabad (Gujarat)
D) 3rd December 1960; Bhopal (MP)
Answer: 2nd October 1959; Nagaur (Rajasthan)
825) Which Committee had first of all recommended three-tier Panchayati Raj in lndia in 1957?
A) Balwant Fiai Mehta committee
B) Ashok Mehta committee
C) Setalwad committee
D) Hanumantaya committee
Answer: Balwant Fiai Mehta committee
826) Which of the following statements is not correct regarding the Scheduled Areas?
A) The President is empowered to declare an area to be 8 Scheduled Area
B) The executive powers of a state extends to the Scheduled Areas
C) Each State having Scheduled Areas has to establish a Tribal Advisory Council to advise on the welfare of the STs
D) The Tribal Advisory Council shall consist of 30 members, three-fourth of whom should be from STs
Answer: The Tribal Advisory Council shall consist of 30 members, three-fourth of whom should be from STs
827) Panchayati Raj is organised at the
A) block level
B) village, block, district and state level
C) village, block and district level
D) village and block level
Answer: village, block and district level
828) The Panchayati Raj institution at the block level is known as
A) Gram Panchayat
B) Panchayat Samiti
C) Zila Parishad
D) None of the above
Answer: Panchayat Samiti
829) What is the middle unit in the three-tier Panchayati Raj system?
A) Gram Panchayat
B) Panchayat Samiti
C) Zila Parishad
D) Union Board
Answer: Panchayat Samiti
830) Assertion (A) The 73rd Amendment granted constitutional status to the Gram Sabha.
Reason (R) The Balwant Rai Mehta Committee mentioned the Gram Sabha.
A) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
B) Both Aand R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
C) A is true, but R is false
D) A is false, but R is true
Answer: Both Aand R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
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