Tuesday, June 30, 2020



21) When can the salaries of the judges of the Supreme Court be reduced during their term of office?
A) If the Parliament passes a bill to this effect
B) During a Financial Emergency
C) As and when the President desires
D) Never
Answer: During a Financial Emergency
22) The Supreme Court was set up under :
A) Pitt's India Act
B) Regulating Act
C) Indian Councils Act, 1861
D) Indian Councils Act, 1892
Answer: Regulating Act
23) Which Judge of the Supreme Court was unsuccessfully sought to be impeached?
A) Justice H.R. Khanna
B) Justice A.N. Grover
C) Justice M. Hidayathullah
D) Justice Ramaswami
Answer: Justice Ramaswami
24) If the Parliament passes a law which is against the Constitution, it can be declared as unconstitutional by the :
A) Supreme Court
B) President
C) Chief Justice of India
D) A bench of High Court Judges
Answer: Supreme Court
25) A civil case becomes a fit case for appeal to the Supreme Court if :
A) it involves a point of Constitutional law
B) the High Court certifies that it involves a point of law and needs
interpretation of the Constitution
C) it involves a sum of a money over Rs.10,000.
D) the case had come to the High Court under an appeal from a subordinate
Answer: the High Court certifies that it involves a point of law and needs interpretation of the Constitution

26) The minimum number of judges to sit on the Constitutional Bench or on Bench which gives its advisory opinion on the reference by the President must be :
A) one half of the total strength of the Supreme Court
B) seven
C) three
D) one third of the total strength of the court
Answer: one half of the total strength of the Supreme Court
27) The judges of the Supreme Court are appointed :
A) by the President
B) by the President in consultation with the Chief Justice of India
C) by the President in consultation with the Chief Justice of India and out of the
judges of the Supreme Court and High Court as he may deem necessary for
the purpose
D) by the President in consultation with Prime Minister
Answer: by the President in consultation with the Chief Justice of India and out of the judges of the Supreme Court and High Court as he may deem necessary for the purpose
28) The rules for regulating the practice and procedure of Supreme Court under Article 145 of the Constitution are made by the :
A) President of India
B) Supreme Court with the approval of the President of India
C) Supreme Court alone
D) Supreme Court in consultation with the Bar Council of India
Answer: Supreme Court with the approval of the President of India
29) Consider the following :
1. Supreme Court's power to issue writs is narrower that that of High Courts
2. a citizen is free to approach High Court or Supreme Court as he chooses, whenever his fundamental rights are violated
3. The law declared by the Supreme Court is binding on all courts throughout India
A) 1 alone
B) 1 and 2
C) 1, 2 and 3
D) 2 and 3
Answer: 1, 2 and 3
30) Which is not correct statement : The Supreme Court :
A) is a watch-dog of citizen's liberty
B) interprets the Constitution
C) protects the Directive Principles of State Policy
D) settles electoral disputes of the President and Vice-President of India
Answer: protects the Directive Principles of State Policy

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