421) What is the correct sequence of the given stages that a Bill passes through before becoming an Act?I. Getting published in the official gazette.
II. Admitting amendments.
III. Reference to a joint committee.
IV. Presidential assent.
Answer: I, III, II, IV
422) Parliament is empowered to get all the following removed except:
A) Comptroller and Auditor General
B) Supreme Court Judges
C) Chairman of UPSC
D) High Court Judges
Answer: Chairman of UPSC
423) All money received by or on behalf of the Government of India are credited to :
A) the Consolidated Fund of India
B) the Public Account of India'
C) the Contingency Fund of India
D) Either (a) or (b)
Answer: Either (a) or (b)
424) Which of the following is not a function of Parliament in India?
A) Providing the Cabinet and holding them responsible
B) Criticising government policy
C) Formulating policy for national development
D) Securing relevant information on government action
Answer: Formulating policy for national development
425) A joint sitting may be called:
I. only in case of national emergency.
II. to enable a Constitutional Amendment to be passed in a hurry.
III. when taxes approved by one House are rejected by the other.
A) I and III
B) II and III
C) I, II and III
D) None of these
Answer: None of these
426) Which of the following is not correct regarding the provisions of joint sitting of the Parliament under Article 108?
A) The Joint Sitting is summoned by the President to resolve deadlock between two houses of Parliament
B) Provisions for joint sitting are not applicable to Money Bills
C) Joint sitting can be summoned if more than one year elapse from the date of the reception of the Bill by the other House without the Bill being passed by it
D) There have been three instances of joint sitting of both houses till the end of the 15th Lok Sabha
Answer: Joint sitting can be summoned if more than one year elapse from the date of the reception of the Bill by the other House without the Bill being passed by it
427) Which of the following features restrict the authority of Parliament in India?
I. A written Constitution clearly prescribes its scope of operation.
II. The Supreme Court can strike down a law passed by Parliament if it contravenes any of the Constitutional provisions.
III. Parliament is limited by the incorporation of the Fundamental Rights in the Constitution.
A) I, II and III
B) I and III
C) II only
D) None as Parliament is sovereign in India
Answer: I, II and III
428) Which of the following matters are not affected in case of dissolution of the Lok Sabha?
I. A bill originating and pending in the Rajya Sabha.
II. Pending notices. motions and resolutions in the Lok Sabha.
III. A joint sitting of Parliament if notification of such a sitting has been given before the dissolution.
IV. Bills passed by both Houses and sent to the President for his assent.
V. Bills returned by President for reconsideration.
A) I and III
B) I, III, IV and V
C) II, III and IV
D) I and V
Answer: I and III
429) A dissolution does not affect:
A) a bill that originated in the Rajya Sabha and sent to Lok Sabha
B) a bill that originated in the Lok Sabha but has been sent to Rajya Sabha
C) a bill that originated in the Rajya Sabha but has not yet been sent to the Lok Sabha
D) Any of the above
Answer: a bill that originated in the Rajya Sabha but has not yet been sent to the Lok Sabha
430) If an unqualified or disqualified person sits and votes in Parliament:
A) he is liable to be prosecuted and jailed
B) he may be fined ? 500 per day of his so sitting
C) he may be imprisoned by the House
D) nothing can be done
Answer: he may be fined ? 500 per day of his so sitting
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