Tuesday, July 28, 2020



1011) What does the term 'locavore' mean?
A) A bacteria
B) An endangered species
C) The consumer who eats only locally grown food products
D) None of the above

Answer: The consumer who eats only locally grown food products

1012) The biome concept illustrates
A) dominant plant communities.
B) vocational aspect of ecosystem and plant and animal diversity.
C) old field succession.
D) animal diversity.

Answer: vocational aspect of ecosystem and plant and animal diversity.

1013) Name the term commonly used for a technology that renders seeds sterile after the first generation.
A) Terminator technology
B) Sterile technology
C) Killer technology
D) None of the above

Answer: Terminator technology

1014) When one animal is used to suppress another, it is called this. e.g., if snakes are encouraged in an area, the rodent population will be controlled. What is the term used?
A) Technical control of pests
B) Pest control
C) Botanical control of pests
D) Biological control of pests

Answer: Technical control of pests

1015) The naturally occurring element in the rice husk that makes it termite resistant is
A) silicon
B) phosphate
C) nitrates
D) fluoride

Answer: fluoride

1016) Which element is depleted most from the soil after a crop is harvested?
A) Nitrogen
B) Potassium
C) Phosphate
D) Floride

Answer: Potassium

1017) Composting is one of the oldest forms at disposal of waste. it is the natural process of decomposition of organic waste that yields manure or compost.
Which one of the following is added to the compost to get better results?
A) Ants
B) Bugs
C) Snakes
D) Worms

Answer: Worms

1018) Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the codes given below
List I (Major Biome)      List II (Physical Characteristic)
A. The Northern most of the Temperate Formations      1. Foristically poor(i.e. a continuous belt across north America and Northern Eurasia
B. Artic undra Vegetation 
Forest    2. Borea;
C. Marine      3. Pelagic division
D. The terrastrial Biomes of the Tropics Soviet Steppe and North American prairie 
4. Savanna woodland
The following codes are given as A B C D form

A) 2 4 3 1
B) 2 1 3 4
C) 4 3 5 2
D) 4 1 3 2

Answer: 2 1 3 4

1019) 'Nitrosomonas' bacteria in the root modules of leguminous plants converts nitrogen gas from air into inorganic nitrogen compounds which enrich the soil and can be readily used by plants. Multiple cropping with legumes can thus significantly reduce the need for
A) pesticides
B) fertilizers
C) irrigation
D) All of these

Answer: fertilizers

1020) What is the primary source of food for marine life?
A) Phytoplankton
B) Zooplankton
C) Sea weed
D) Grass

Answer: Phytoplankton

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