Tuesday, July 28, 2020



1061) In a food chain, energy transfers
A) from river to Earth
B) from lower latitude to higher latitude
C) from one organism to other organism
D) None of the above

Answer: from one organism to other organism

1062) Phytron is a facility to
A) grow plants under disease free condition.
B) conserve endangered species of plant.
C) grow plants under controlled condition.
D) induce mutations.

Answer: grow plants under controlled condition.

1063) Which among the following are the major reasons behind preferring Eucalyptus tree in the planned forestation process?
1. Plantation grows very fast.
2. Plantation makes the soil more fertile.
3. Wood from Eucalyptus tree is easily converted into pulp for paper industry.
Which of the statements given above are correct?
A) 1 and 2
B) 1 and 3
C) 2 and 3
D) 1,2 and 3

Answer: 1 and 3

1064) Most of the desert plants bloom during night because
A) their blooming is controlled by low temperature.
B) they are sensitive to the phase of moon.
C) the desert insects eat away flower during day time.
D) the desert insects are active during nighttime.

Answer: the desert insects are active during nighttime.

1065) Which of the following is most stable ecosystem?
A) Forest
B) Grassland
C) Desert
D) Sea

Answer: Sea

1066) The driving force of an ecosystem is
A) biomass
B) producer
C) carbohydrate in producers
D) solar energy

Answer: solar energy

1067) Consider the following statements
1. Different plant species grow together.
2. Light cannot penetrate into the lower strata full of undergrowth.
Which of the following types of vegetation is characterized by the above?
A) Equatorial moist evergreen
B) Tropical deciduous
C) Mediterranean
D) Warm temperate broad leaved deciduous

Answer: Equatorial moist evergreen

1068) Which one of the following is a xerophytic plant?
A) Mustard
B) Amerbel
C) Karil
D) Neem

Answer: Karil

1069) Abiotic component of our environment is
A) plants
B) animal
C) Both 'a' and 'b'
D) air

Answer: air

1070) Hydrophonics is related to
A) growth of plant without soil
B) growth of plant without water
C) conservation of water
D) relation of sound with water

Answer: growth of plant without soil

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