Tuesday, July 28, 2020



1191) Which one of the following is a useful biological indicator of Sulphur-dioxide pollution?
A) Bryophytes
B) Algal blooms
C) Pseudomonas
D) Lichens

Answer: Lichens

1192) Rally for Valley' programme in lndia was organized to highlight the problem of
A) environmental degradation
B) biodiversity
C) resettlement of displaced people
D) loss of agricultural land

Answer: environmental degradation

1193) Consider the following statements
1. Montreal Protocol in the year 1987 called for the complete cut in the use of Chloro-fluoro carbons(CFCs) by the year 2000.
2. India was a signatory to the Montreal Protocol in the year 1987.
Which of the statements given above is/ are correct?
A) Only 1
B) Only 2
C) Both 1 and 2
D) Neither 1 nor 2

Answer: Only 1

1194) Among the following environmental pollutants which one leads to the occurrence of acid rain?
A) Carbon dioxide
B) Hydrogen peroxide
C) Carbon monoxide
D) Sulphur dioxide

Answer: Sulphur dioxide

1195) The Minamata incident, an example for environmental degradation.
is due to which one of the following?
A) Air pollution
B) Nuclear disaster
C) Water pollution
D) Thermal pollution

Answer: Water pollution


1196) Which one of the following is not required for the formation of photochemical smog?
A) Oxygen
B) Oxide of nitrogen
C) Carbon monoxide
D) Sunlight

Answer: Oxide of nitrogen

1197) The Supreme Court's Samata judgment (1997) nullified all mining leases granted by
the State Government of Andhra Pradesh in the scheduled areas and asked it to stop all mining operations, thus protecting the land of tribal people. Under which is the following schedules of lndian Constitution, Supreme Court protected the land of the tribal people through this judgement?
A) Schedule 4
B) Schedule 5
C) Schedule 6
D) Schedule 9

Answer: Schedule 6

1198) Which among the following Articles was inserted in the lndian Constitution by 42nd Amendment, 1976, in purview of India being a signatory of Stockholm Conference of 1972?
A) Article 45
B) Article 47A
C) Article 48A
D) Article 51A

Answer: Article 48A

1199) Buddha Nullah has been the main source of pollution of which among the following rivers?
A) Chambal
B) Sutlej
C) Yamuna
D) Gandak

Answer: Sutlej

1200) Ozone holes are more pronounced at the
A) equator
B) Tropic of Cancer
C) Tropic of Capricorn
D) Poles

Answer: Poles

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