Tuesday, July 28, 2020



1211) Which one of the following is responsible for blue baby syndrome?
A) Fluoride
B) Nitrate
C) Arsenic
D) Lead

Answer: Nitrate

1212) No trees are found in Tundra biome near Polar region of Northern hemisphere. This is because
A) snowfall inhibits plant respiration.
B) frozen ice beneath the surface soil restricts root growth .
C) less wind movement and inadequate sunlight.
D) low temperature which restricts development of reproductive organs.

Answer: frozen ice beneath the surface soil restricts root growth .

1213) Which one of the following processes takes place in lakes during eutrophication?
A) Rapid destruction of algal growth
B) Excessive availability of dissolved oxygen
C) Loss of dissolved nutrients from water
D) Excessive entry of nutrients into water

Answer: Excessive entry of nutrients into water

1214) Acid rain is due to
A) excess production of coal gas.
B) excess release of CO2 due to increasing cumbustions and respiration.
C) excess release of SO2 and N02 from burning fossil fuels.
D) excess production of gaseous hydrocarbons.

Answer: excess release of SO2 and N02 from burning fossil fuels.
1215) Which one of the following is not an example of externalities?
A) Pollution of air by a cement factory
B) Health hazard caused to the person due to smoking by himself/ herself
C) Smoke coming out of neighbour's vehicle
D) Increase in land price of adjacent plot due to construction of road by government.

Answer: Increase in land price of adjacent plot due to construction of road by government.

1216) Rain water collected after 30 to 40 minutes of raining is not suitable for drinking because it
A) contains bacteria and dirt.
B) contains dissolved toxic chemicals.
C) is deficient in minerals.
D) is acidic.

Answer: contains dissolved toxic chemicals.

1217) Food wrapped in newspaper is likely to get contaminated with
A) lead
B) aluminium
C) iron
D) magnesium

Answer: lead

1218) Carbon monoxide is harmful to human beings as it is
A) carcinogenic.
B) antagonistic to C02.
C) with higher affinity for haemoglobins compared to oxygen.
D) destructive to 03.

Answer: with higher affinity for haemoglobins compared to oxygen.

1219) Consider the following statements
1. Pollution is release of toxic undesirable material in environment.
2. Major pollution causing agent is man.
3. Sound becomes hazardous noise pollution at level above 80 db.
4. Fishes die in water bodies polluted by sewage due to reduction of oxygen.
Which of the statements given above are correct about pollution?
A) 1,2,3 and 4
B) 1,2 and 3
C) 1 and 3
D) 2 and 3

Answer: 1,2,3 and 4

1220) Which among the following pollutants lead to macroscopic pollution?
1. Heavy metals from motor vehicles and acid mine drainage 2. Ammonia from food processing waste
3. Silt in runoff from construction sites. logging, slash and burn practices or land clearing sites
4. Trash or garbage discarded by the people on the ground
5. Nurdles
6. Shipwrecks
Select the correct answer using the codes given below
A) 1,2 and 3
B) 1,4,5 and 6
C) 4, 5 and 6
D) All of these

Answer: 4, 5 and 6

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