1451) Consider the following1. Green house effect in its entirety, is caused by human activities (Anthropogenic factors)
2. Green house gases absorb ultra violet rays emitted from the earth, and retain them within the atmosphere.
Which of the statements given above is/are true?
A) Only 1
B) Only 2
C) All of these
D) None of these
Answer: None of these
1452) Consider the following statements with reference to the Global Warming
1. Global warming may cause the word temperature to rise by 4.5 to 5°C by 2050 as a result nearly 100 living areas of the earth will submerge into the sea.
2. it is estimated that by 2080, nearly 1/3rd of the biodiversity will go under the sea.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
A) Only1
B) Only 2
C) Both 1 and 2
D) Neither1 nor 2
Answer: Both 1 and 2
1453) In absorption of insolation, the most significant part is played by
A) carbon dioxide
B) ozone
C) oxygen
D) haze
Answer: haze
1454) Consider the following statements
1. Ultraviolet rays coming from Sun cause skin cancer.
2. Carbon monoxide is harmful to human beings as it is with higher affinity for hemoglobin as compared to oxygen.
3. Taj Mahal is threatened by pollution from sulphur dioxide.
4. BOD is Biological Oxygen Demand.
Which of the statements given above are correct?
A) 1 and 3
B) 3 and 4
C) 1 and 2
D) All of the above
Answer: All of the above
1455) Which one of the following plants is popularly grown along the road for absorbing vehicular pollutants?
A) Nerium
B) Neem
C) Bougainvillea
D) Calotropis
Answer: Bougainvillea
1456) Assertion (A) The ozone layer in stratosphere filter out the UV rays present in incoming sunlight.
Reason (R) The ozone present in the troposphere creates pollution problems and smog is rich with it.
A) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
B) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A
C) A is true but R is false
D) A is false but R is true
Answer: A is true but R is false
1457) The increasing abundance of green house gases in the atmosphere has led to the following effects except
A) global warming
B) depletion of ozone layer in the stratosphere
C) oxygen fertilisation effect
D) carbon dioxide fertilisation effect
Answer: oxygen fertilisation effect
1458) Which gas is responsible for global warming?
A) 2
B) 02 and CO2
C) CO2 and CH4
D) CH4
Answer: CO2 and CH4
1459) Ozone layer present in our atmosphere absorb
A) cosmic rays
B) infra red rays
C) ultraviolet rays
D) all rays
Answer: ultraviolet rays
1460) Consider the following statements
1. Kyoto Protocol came into force in the year 2005.
2. Kyoto Protocol deals primarily with the depletion of the ozone layer.
3. Methane as a green house gas is more harmful than carbon dioxide.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
A) 1 and 2
B) 1 and 3
C) Only 1
D) Only 3
Answer: 1 and 3
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