Wednesday, July 29, 2020



1871) The ocean relief is generally
A) more diverse than that of the continents
B) more uniform than that of the continents
C) showing minor variations only
D) not much of a significance

Answer: more diverse than that of the continents

1872) Statement I There is high salinity in Red Sea.
Statement II Rate of evaporation is high in Red Sea.
The above question consist of two statements, Statement I and Statement II. You are to examine these two statements carefully and select the answer to these questions using the codes given below.
A) Both the statements are individually true and statement II is the correct explanation of statement l.
B) Both the statements are individually true but statement ll is not the correct explanation of statement I.
C) Statement I is true but statement II is false.
D) Statement I is false but statement II is true.

Answer: Both the statements are individually true and statement II is the correct explanation of statement l.

1873) Assertion (A) During the Neap Tides the high tide is lower and the low tide is higher than usual.
Reason (R) The Neap Tide, unlike the Spring Tide, occurs on the New Moon instead of on the Full Moon.
The above question consist of two statements, Assertion and Reason. You are to examine these two statements carefully and select the answer to these questions using the codes given below.
A) Both A are R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
B) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
C) A is true, but R is false
D) A is false, but R is true.

Answer: A is false, but R is true.

1874) Consider the following statements
1. Ocean currents are the slow-surface movement of water in the same.
2. Ocean currents assist in maintaining the Earth's heat balance.
3. Ocean currents are set in motion primarily by prevailing winds.
4. Ocean currents are affected by the configuration of the ocean.
Which of the statements given above are correct?
A) 1 and 2
B) 2, 3 and 4
C) 1,3 and 4
D) 1, 2, 3 and 4

Answer: 2, 3 and 4

1875) Which one of the following statements is not correct?
A) Gulf with narrow fronts and wider rears experience high tides
B) Tidal currents take place when a Gulf is connected with the open sea by a narrow channel.
C) Tidal bore occurs when a tide enters the narrow and shallow estuary of a river
D) The tidal nature of the mouth of the river Hooghly is of crucial importance to Kolkata as port

Answer: Tidal bore occurs when a tide enters the narrow and shallow estuary of a river

1876) Which of the following statements are true?
1. The direction of Canary current is North to South.
2. The direction of Benguela current is South to North.
3. The direction of North Atlantic drift is West to East.
4. The Direction of Californian Omen is North to South.
Choose the right answer from the options given below
A) 1 and 2
B) 1, 2 and 3
C) 2, 3 and 4
D) 1, 2, 3 and 4

Answer: 1, 2, 3 and 4

1877) Water with more salinity freezes at
A) higher temperature than normal water
B) lower temperature than normal water
C) same temperature as normal temperature
D) None of the above

Answer: lower temperature than normal water

1878) Assertion (A) During the day, winds blow from sea to land.
Reason (R) The land gets more heated than the surrounding sea; hence lower pressure develops over land as compared to sea.
The above question consist of two statements, Assertion and Reason. You are to examine these two statements carefully and select the answer to these questions using the codes given below.
A) Both A are R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
B) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
C) A is true, but R is false
D) A is false, but R is true.

Answer: Both A are R are true and R is the correct explanation of A

1879) Assertion (A) Even in the deepest trenches more than 6 miles below the surface, the water never freezes.
Reason (R) Only the upper layer of ocean waters freezes and acts as an insulator for lower layers.
The above question consist of two statements, Assertion and Reason. You are to examine these two statements carefully and select the answer to these questions using the codes given below.
A) Both A are R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
B) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
C) A is true, but R is false
D) A is false, but R is true.

Answer: Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A

1880) Assertion (A) Despite low evaporation and stable stratification of the atmosphere, salinity is high in Polar Regions.
Reason (R) Sea water freezes leaving the remaining water saline than before.
The above question consist of two statements, Assertion and Reason. You are to examine these two statements carefully and select the answer to these questions using the codes given below.
A) Both A are R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
B) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
C) A is true, but R is false
D) A is false, but R is true.

Answer: A is false, but R is true.

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