Wednesday, July 29, 2020



1921) The people of mixed European and Indian blood are called
A) Mullattoes
B) Mestizos
C) Caboclos
D) Amazonian Indians

Answer: Mestizos

1922) Identity the wrong statement.
A) Brazil shares common boundaries with all South American countries except Ecuador and Chile
B) Water of Parana. Paraguay and Uruguay empty into an expanse of water called the Rio de la Plate
C) Coffee trees usually start yielding berries, 2 years after they are planted
D) The early. Portuguese settlers. named the country as Brazil, after the red brasil wood tree

Answer: Coffee trees usually start yielding berries, 2 years after they are planted
1923) Which one of the following cities does not have the same clock time as that of the other three cities at any given instant?
A) London (UK)
B) Lisbon (Portugal)
C) Accra (Ghana)
D) Addis Ababa (Ethiopia)

Answer: Addis Ababa (Ethiopia)

1924) Match the following
List I (Country)      List II (Capital)
A. Albania      1. Bratislava
B. Croatia      2. Skopje
C. Macedonia      3. Tirana
D. Slovakia      4. Zagreb

Below codes are given in A B C D order
A) 4 3 1 2
B) 3 4 2 1
C) 4 3 2 1
D) 3 4 1 2

Answer: 3 4 2 1

1925) Where is Copacabana Beach located?
A) Buenos Aires
B) Hawaiian Islands
C) Rio de Janerio
D) Valletta

Answer: Rio de Janerio

1926) Assertion (A) Russians get a warm water port at Murmansk, even though it lies within the Arctic Circle.
Reason (R) Winds blow predominantly from West to East along the Atlantic coast of Europe.
A) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
B) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
C) A is true but R is false
D) A is false but R is true

Answer: Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A

1927) Which one at the following countries is planning to construct a rival to the Panama Canal to link the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean?
A) Colombia
B) Costa Rica
C) Guatemala
D) Nicaragua

Answer: Guatemala

1928) Which of the following is the longest river in Japan?
A) Shinano
B) Magami
C) lshikari
D) Tokushima

Answer: Shinano

1929) In the South, the forces of the Parana and __________rivers. have been harnessed to form one of the world's largest hydroelectric projects. the Itaipu Darn.
A) Amazon
B) Rio Grande
C) Paraguay
D) Yukon

Answer: Paraguay

1930) Identify the wrong pair.
A) Mount Logan : Canada 3 highest peak
B) Hudson Bay : World's largest bay.
C) Canada's : 10 persons per population sq km density
D) Davis Strait :World's broadest strait

Answer: Canada's : 10 persons per population sq km density

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