Monday, July 27, 2020



821) The term Regur refers to
A) deltaic alluvial soils
B) laterite soils
C) black cotton soils
D) red and yellow soils

Answer: black cotton soils

822) The enormous volume of dust swept across the steppe lands of Asia and deposited in the North-Westen part of China is known as
A) reg
B) loess
C) terra Rossa
D) kankar

Answer: loess

823) 1. Biomes are distributional aspect of ecosystem.
2. There are four components of ecosystem that being abiotic, producers, consumers and deoomposers.
3. Amount of living material present in biome is called standing crop.
Which of the above statements are correct?
A) 1, 2 and 3
B) 1 and 2
C) 2 and 3
D) 1 and 3

Answer: 1, 2 and 3

824) Assertion (A) : Alpine meadow act contains mostly undecomposed plants.
Reason (R) : The temperature there it too low for quick decomposition.
A) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
B) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A
C) A is true, but R is false
D) A is false, but R is true

Answer: Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A

825) Which one of the following terms refers to the particular assemblage of low growing leathery bushes and stunted trees that concentrate in the waterlogged soil bogs and lake filled depressions in the Northern Coniferous Forest Biome?
A) Chaparral
B) Muskeg
C) Fynbos
D) Mull

Answer: Mull

826) Soils which have undergone gleying and are associated with marshes, swamps or poorly drained upland are called
A) calcimorphic soil
B) hydromorphic soil
C) halomorphic soil
D) sierozems

Answer: hydromorphic soil

827) CF Marbut's first level of division of all middle latitude soils is into two grad classes: (1) Pedocals and (2) Pedalfelrs. Which of these two have formed in Western US, in which evaporation on average exceeds precipitation?
A) Pedocals
B) Pedalfers
C) Pedosols
D) Podzol

Answer: Pedocals

828) Identify the wrong statement
A) Soils with high CEC usually have a low capacity to store plant nutrients
B) Aluminum ion is an important acid gnerating ion
C) Agricultural soil with PH under 6 require the application of lime for good cultivation of many crops
D) Plant nutrients such as nitrogen, Potassium and phosphorus are generally deficient in most acid soils

Answer: Soils with high CEC usually have a low capacity to store plant nutrients

829) Match the following
List-I      List-II
(Region)      (Characteristic vegetation)
A. Selvas      1. Tropophytes
B. savanna      2. Mosses and lichens
C. Tundra      3. Epiphytes
D. Monsoonland      4. Grasses and trees

The below options are given in A B C D order
A) 3 2 4 1
B) 1 4 2 3
C) 1 2 4 3
D) 3 4 2 1

Answer: 3 4 2 1

830) Consider the following conditions
1. Podzol soils.
2. Annual temperature Range 38'C.
3. Annual Precipitation About 300 mm which is fairly uniform distributed throughout the year.
Which of the following vegetation prevails in above conditions?
A) Thorn Shrub
B) Coniferous Forest
C) Temperate Grassland
D) Monsoon Forest

Answer: Coniferous Forest

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