Monday, July 27, 2020



871) Who introduced the concept of Human Development Index?
A) Professor Amartya Sen
B) Dr Mahabub-ul-Haq
C) Ellen C Sample
D) Ratzel

Answer: Dr Mahabub-ul-Haq

872) In Southern Arable, close to the coast, human settlements are of _________ type of settlement.
A) compact
B) dispersed
C) semi-dispersed
D) varied

Answer: compact

873) Consider the following countries 1. Brazil 2. Indonesia 3. Japan 4. Russia What is the descending order of the size of the following countries population wise?
A) 1, 2, 4, 3
B) 2, 3, 1, 4
C) 2, 1, 4, 3
D) 1, 2, 3, 4

Answer: 2, 1, 4, 3

874) Among the following countries, which one is the most densely populated?
A) Belgium
B) France
C) Germany
D) The Netherlands

Answer: The Netherlands
875) Who is supposed to have used the term 'demography' for the first time?
A) Malthus
B) Notestein
C) Marx
D) Guillard

Answer: Guillard

876) Seasonal migration of people with their animals is known as
A) Nomadism
B) Ranching
C) Transhumance
D) Pastoralism

Answer: Transhumance

877) _________ refers to urban development/ sprawl along the main roads leading out of a built-up area.
A) Ribbon development
B) Sub-urbanisation
C) Radial development
D) Trunk route development

Answer: Ribbon development

878) Which of the following races has the characteristic of epicanthic fold in eyes?
A) Caucasoid
B) Negroid
C) Mongoloid
D) Both 'b' and 'c'

Answer: Mongoloid

879) Consider the following statements
1. Areas with high density of population have generally longer jhum cycle.
2. In New Zealand, cattle are kept on fairly small farms and carefully fed to give quality meat.
3. Cash crops are never grown in jhuming cultivation.
4. Livestock farming is usually a response to difficult conditions.
Which of the statements given above are incorrect?
A) 1 and 3
B) 2 and 4
C) 2 and 3
D) 3 and 4

Answer: 1 and 3

880) In which of the following type of age-sex pyramids, both birth and death rates are low and declining?
A) Progressive
B) Regressive
C) Stationary
D) Intermediate

Answer: Regressive

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