Monday, July 27, 2020



971) What is the term applied to the process of successive replacement of existing
plant communities as the vegetation environment interaction modifies the
environment making it more suitable for new communities?
A) Adaptation
B) Vegetation succession
C) Evolution
D) Serial change

Answer: Vegetation succession

972) A term biotype means
A) all individuals having same phenotype
B) all individuals having same genotype
C) all individuals with different phenotype
D) all individuals with different genotype

Answer: all individuals having same genotype

973) In a chain of communities in a succession, each community is a
A) lir,'
B) step
C) sere
D) climax

Answer: sere

974) Which of the following two criteria has/have to be met in order to qualify
as a 'biodiversity hotspot' on the world hotspots map?
1. The region must contain at least 0.5% or 1500 species of vascular plants as endemic species.
2. The region has to have lost at least 70% of its primary vegetation.
Select the correct answer using the codes given below.
A) Only 1
B) Only 2
C) Both 1 and 2
D) Neither 1 nor2

Answer: Both 1 and 2

975) Which one of the following terms describes not only the physical space
occupied by organism, but also its functional role in the community at
A) Ecotone
B) Ecological niche
C) Habitat
D) Home range

Answer: Ecological niche

976) With reference to a freshwater lake, consider the following characteristics
1. Richness in nutrients.
2. Rapid turnover of phytoplankton.
3. Depletion of dissolved oxygen.
Which of the above is/are observed in a lake after its eutrophication?
A) Only 1
B) 1 and 2
C) Only 3
D) 1, 2 and 3

Answer: 1, 2 and 3

977) A succession taking place in an area where there had been no vegetation
earlier is called a _______ succession.
A) pioneer
B) primary
C) secondary
D) fresh

Answer: primary

978) Transfer of energy from one organism to another in an ecosystem takes place in a
A) linear manner
B) hierarchical manner
C) discrete manner
D) cyclic manner

Answer: cyclic manner

979) The succession may begin in an area where some natural disaster has caused removal of existing vegetation. Such a succession is called
A) primary
B) secondary
C) allogenic
D) autogenic

Answer: allogenic

980) When the succession starts under conditions highly unfavorable to plant growth and plants themselves, they have to create a suitable physical environment for themselves, it is
A) a primary succession
B) an autogenic succession
C) a pioneer succession
D) an allogenic succession

Answer: an autogenic succession

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