Thursday, July 2, 2020



281) Consider the following statements regarding Melbourne Cup
1. The Cup is one of Australia's most prestigious Thoroughbred horse races.
2. The race distancing about 3200 metres is conducted annually on the Flemington Raceourse in Melbourne, Victoria by the Victoria Racing Club.
Which of the above is/are true?
A) Only 1
B) Only 2
C) Both 1 and 2
D) None of these
Answer:  Both 1 and 2
282) Consider the following statements regarding All India Council of Sports (AICS)
1. AICS is as an advisory body established in July 2015 to deliberate on matters relating to the devel0pment and promotion of sports and games in the country.
2. It will be headed by a president in the rank of Minister of State (MoS) It will include 4 Members of Parliament (MPs), coaches, experts, sports personalities, administrators and Director General (DG) of Sports Authority of India (SAI)
Which of the above is/are true?
A) Only 1
B) Only 2
C) Both 1 and 2
D) None of these
Answer:  Both 1 and 2
283) Choose the correct statements regarding Beighton Cup of Hockey.
1. Instituted in 1895 and is one of the Oldest field hockey tournaments running till date.
2. It is named after T.D. Beighton. Legal Remembrancer of the Government of Bengal in British India.
3. It is organised by Bengal Hockey Association (BHA)
A) Both 1 and 2
B) Both 2 and 3
C) Both 1 and 3
D) All of the above
Answer:  All of the above
284) Which of the following games is/are said to have Indian origin?
A) Chess
B) polo
C) Playing cards
D) all of these
Answer:  all of these
285) India first took part in the Olympic Games in the year:
A) 1900
B) 1920
C) 1932
D) 1954
Answer:  1900

286) Chatur-Anga, an ancient game described in the Mahabharat, is the modern game of:
A) Polo
B) Chess
C) Ludu
D) Playing cards
Answer:  Chess
287) India first won the Olympic Hockey gold at:
A) London
B) Berlin
C) Amsterdam
D) Los Angeles
Answer:  Amsterdam
288) Indian Olympics Association came up in the year
A) 1920
B) 1922
C) 1925
D) 1927
Answer:  1927
289) Sir Dorabji Tata is the founding president oi which of the following sports association in India?
A) Badminton Association Of India
B) Indian Olympic Association
C) Archery Association of India
D) Indian Amateur Boxing Federation
Answer:  Indian Olympic Association
290) India made her debut in Olympic football at:
A) Helsinki in 1952
B) Melbourne in 1956
C) London in 1948
D) Tokyo in 1964
Answer:  London in 1948

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