Saturday, August 1, 2020



121) Seasonal contrast in temperature are minimum in the equatorial region because:
A) sky is always overcast
B) forests prevent sunlight from reaching the ground
C) sun is almost vertically overhead throughout the year
D) rainfall cool the atmosphere

Correct Answer: sun is almost vertically overhead throughout the year

122) Grasses are almost absent in:
A) tropical moist deciduous forest
B) tropical dry evergreen forest
C) tropical semi-evergreen forest
D) tropical wet-evergreen forest

Correct Answer: tropical wet-evergreen forest

123) The role of spines in the desert plants is:
A) to protect themselves from the herbivores.
B) to provide more surface for photosynthesis
C) to save the moisture from evaporation.
D) none of the above

Correct Answer: to save the moisture from evaporation.   

124) Which one of the following characteristics is NOT found in the Mediterranean climate?
A) Temperatures range from 21∘C in summer to 10∘C
or below in the winter
B) Off-shore trade winds blow in the summer
C) On-shore westerly winds blow in the winter bringing cyclonic rain
D) The annual rainfall ranges from 1500 mm to 2000 mm

Correct Answer: Off-shore trade winds blow in the summer

125) Which one of the following is the correct sequence of the climatic regions while going from Zaire to Netherlands?
1. Equatorial climate 2. Mediterranean climate 3. Hot desert climate 4. West European climate
A) 1, 3, 2, 4
B) 1, 4, 2, 3
C) 2, 3, 4, 1
D) 3, 2, 1, 4

Correct Answer: 1, 3, 2, 4

126) The great Victoria Desert is located in
A) Canada
B) South Africa
C) Australia
D) North America

Correct Answer: Australia

127) Which one of the following ecosystems covers the largest area of the earth's surface?
A) Desert Ecosystem
B) Grassland Ecosystem
C) Mountain Ecosystem
D) Marine Ecosystem

Correct Answer: Marine Ecosystem

128) Match the following:
Type of Natural Region       Area Associated
A. Dry Continental      1. Brazil
B. Humid Subtropics      2. British Isles
C. Marine West Coast      3. Canada
D. Subarctics      4. China
      5. Mongolia

A) 5 4 2 3
B) 2 3 1 5
C) 2 4 1 3
D) 5 3 2 4

Correct Answer: 5 4 2 3

129) Match the following:
Climate       Characteristics
A. Savanna      1. Torrential rainfall grassland throughout the year
B. Monsoon      2. Cloud burst in summer
C. Mediterranian      3. Rainfall in summer, dry winter
D. Equatorial      4. Hot and dry summer, mild and wet winter

A) 2 3 4 1
B) 3 2 1 4
C) 2 3 1 4
D) 3 2 4 1

Correct Answer: 2 3 4 1

130) Math the following:
Forest Name      Place
A. Tropical Evergreen      1. South Brazil
B. Tropical Monsoon      2. Burma & Thailand
C. Temperate Evergreen      3. North Mexico
D. Mediterranean      4. Indonesia
      5. South-West Australia

A) 4 2 1 5
B) 3 4 5 1
C) 5 4 1 2
D) 4 3 2 1

Correct Answer: 4 2 1 5

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