Sunday, August 2, 2020



211) Long treeless grassy palms are characteristics of:
A) Campos
B) Llanos
C) Pampas
D) Prairies

Correct Answer: Pampas
212) The Mediterranean lands are often called the World's:
A) grazing lands
B) forest lands
C) orchard lands
D) paddy lands

Correct Answer: orchard lands
213) The Taiga belt lies between:
A) Mediterranean climate and Tundra
B) Monsoon climate and Tundra
C) Temperate grasslands and Tundra
D) Tibet type climate and Tundra

Correct Answer: Temperate grasslands and Tundra
214) Which of the following regions gets no rainfall throughout the year?
A) The Equatorial Region
B) The Tundra Region
C) The Himalayan Region
D) The Mediterranean Region

Correct Answer: The Tundra Region
215) The Tropical Rain forest type of climate is characterised by:
A) average rainfall of about 300 cm
B) heavy rain and high temperatures throughout the year
C) hot dry summer and mild wet winters
D) hot summer and cool winters with about 100 cm of annual rainfall

Correct Answer: heavy rain and high temperatures throughout the year

216) Which of the following pairs is correctly matched?
A) Tundra region Lichens and Mosses
B) Mediterranean region Groundnut and Potato
C) China Type region Tea and Sugarbeet
D) West-European region Corn and Wheat

Correct Answer: Tundra region Lichens and Mosses

217) In the Semi-arid and Temperate grasslands, the most commonly found animals are:
A) donkeys and horses
B) reindeers
C) camels
D) sheep and goats

Correct Answer: sheep and goats

218) Which of the following trees is not a soft wood variety?
A) Fir
B) Mahogany
C) Spruce
D) Pine

Correct Answer: Mahogany

219) The zones of excessively dry climate with very cold temperature throughout the year correspond to:
A) Alpine meadows
B) Antarctica
C) Arctic deserts
D) Tundra

Correct Answer: Tundra
220) The hot desert of the world are generally found near:
A) the equator
B) the doldrums
C) the horse latitude
D) the Tundras

Correct Answer: the horse latitude

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