Sunday, August 2, 2020



261) Africa remained a sparsely populated region for a long time, to be called a 'dark continent'. Which of the following was a reason for Africa to remain uninhabited?
A) Excessive heat
B) Undulated land
C) lnaccessibility
D) None of these

Correct Answer: lnaccessibility
262) Economy of Brazil is mostly dependent on:
A) tea
B) coffee
C) rice
D) maize

Correct Answer: coffee
263) Which of the following is a tropical monsoon crop?
A) Wheat
B) Rice
C) Cotton
D) Maize

Correct Answer: Wheat
264) Which of the following climatic characteristic is related to tropical deserts?
A) Low Pressure throughout the year
B) Most of the rain falls in winter
C) Very high daily range of temperature
D) Very low daily range of temperature

Correct Answer: Very high daily range of temperature
265) Match the following:
List I      List II
A. Monsoon forests       1. Pine, fur, spruce, Larch
B. Taiga Region      2. Teak. Sal. rosewood
C. Equatorial Region      3. Elephant grass, bombeda
D. Subtropical Region      4. Mahogany, ebony, rose wood

A) 3 1 4 2
B) 1 2 3 4
C) 2 4 1 3
D) 2 1 4 3

Correct Answer: 2 1 4 3

266) What is the main activity of Eskimos during the short period of summer season?
A) Hunting
B) Fishing
C) Lumbering
D) Animal Grazing

Correct Answer: Lumbering
267) The country that has the greatest length of the day during summer is:
A) Australia
B) Mexico
C) Nigeria
D) Norway

Correct Answer: Norway
268) The following pattern of average monthly temperature 0∘C
chart represents which of the following types of climates?
Month Temp.
January -8
February -8
March -6
April 25
May 35
June 41
July 41
August 34
September 34
October 25
November 14
December 1
A) Mediterranean
B) Savanna
C) Continental
D) Tundra

Correct Answer: Continental
269) Wood pulp comes from:
A) equatorial region
B) temperate region
C) mediterranean region
D) coniferous forest region

Correct Answer: coniferous forest region
270) The temperature decreases towards poles, because:
A) at poles the snow does not melt
B) the cold regions do not absorb sun rays
C) the movement of cold wind is towards poles
D) the sun rays falling per unit area are less at poles

Correct Answer: the sun rays falling per unit area are less at poles

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