Monday, November 30, 2020

English Vocabulary Set 04

 English Vocabulary Set 04

16.Choose the word which best expresses the meaning of resentments ?

A) couthy       B) bitterness              C) pally                       D) couthie                  E) None of these


17.Choose the word which best expresses the meaning of rhetoric ?

A) rigid                        B) empty words                    C) full of words                      D) conciseness          

E) None of these


18.Choose the word which best expresses the meaning of inextricable ?

A) underlying B) unable                    C) unpredictable        D) unresolvable                    

E) None of these


19.Choose the word which best expresses the meaning of hegemony ?

A) weakness               B) subordination                   C) modesty                D) dominance           

E) None of these


20.Choose the word which best expresses the meaning of entrenched ?

A) destruction                       B) provoke                 C) quit             D) destroy      E) None of these


Answers & Explanations

16.Answer – B) Explanation: resentments – bitterness,

17.Answer – B) Explanation: rhetoric – empty words,

18.Answer – D) Explanation: inextricable – unresolvable,

19.Answer – D) Explanation: hegemony – dominance,

20.Answer – E) Explanation: None of these




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