Monday, November 30, 2020

English Vocabulary Set 05

English Vocabulary Set 05

21.Choose the word which best expresses the meaning of Rendered ?

A) faraway                  B) generate                C) conclude                D) detached   E) None of these


22.Choose the word which best expresses the meaning of Evocative ?

A)  remind                  B)  reunion                 C)  revenge     D) regret         E) None of these


23.Choose the word which best expresses the meaning of Reverberate ?

A) Provoke                 B) grudge                   C) resound                 D) sound        E) None of these


24.Choose the word which best expresses the meaning of Culmination ?

A) adept                     B) courage      C) completion                        D) anticlimax             E) None of these


25.Choose the word which best expresses the meaning of Frivolous ?

A) possessive             B) strict                      C) serious       D) less serious                       E) None of these


Answers & Explanations: 

21.Answer – B)  Explanation: endered – generate,

22.Answer – A)  Explanation: evocatively – remind,

23.Answer – C) Explanation: reverberate – resound, 

24.Answer –C) Explanation: culmination – completion 

25.Answer – D) Explanation: frivolous – less serious,


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