Thursday, December 31, 2020

Class Room Daily Dose Booklet: DDB No: IE 04 Answers and Explanations


Class Room - Daily Dose Booklet
 DDB NO: IE 04
Indian Economy
1    b. Fifth Plan
2    c. Japan - Yen
3    c. Central Statistical Organisation
4    d. Unit Trust of India
5    c. 1973
6    d. Fifth Plan
7    d. Government Securities
8    d. December, 1993
9    d. July, 1991
10    c. I, II & IV only
11    b. I, III & IV
12    b. III & IV only
13    c. Punjab
14    a. Technological
15    c. Economic environment
16    a. demographic factor
17    b. establishment of Iron and Steel Industries
18    c. Coal
19    a. Agriculture
20    b. Sugar
21    d. the order quantity that minimizes total inventory cost
22    c. request to deliver goods
23    b. Co-operative Society
24    d. Freedom to do any business
25    b. General Insurance Corporation
26    b. Reserve Bank of India
27    a. primary sector
28    d. all of these
29    d. a quality assurance for industrial products
30    b. scarce
31    a. deliberate reduction in external value of domestic currency
32    d. General Agreement on Trade and Tariff
33    d. 1997-2002
34    b. 14
35    b. Governor Reserve Bank of India
36    a. Secretary, Ministry of Finance
37    d. increasing the living standard of the rural people
38    b. self-employment and family labour
39    b. 1966
40    a. U.S.A
41    a. primary sector
42    a. industrial sickness
43    b. supervision and guidance
44    C. 1961
45    a. Record-Keeping
46    b. total revenue equates total cost
47    a. Co-operative banks
48    b. 15 times
49    c. sales tax
50    c. sales tax
51    b. Malthus
52    a. private sector
53    b. 194
54    a. sharing of the means production between the state and private sector
55    b. three sectors
56    a. income generated by the factors of production during a year within the country
57    a. 440 lakhs
58    c. small and tiny industries
59    b. Adam Smith
60    c. increase in the knowledge and skills of the people
61    a. the interest rate at which Commercial Bank advance loans
62    d. 1980
63    c. 1973
64    c. 15,000
65    b. Das Kapital
66    c. Punjab
67    a. Growth of capital formation
68    b. 1982
69    b. NRY
70    b. Integrated Rural Development Programme
71    d. incentives to private enterprise
72    b. Gross National product
73    a. IInd plan
74    d. All these
75    c. combination of public and private sector
76    c. rate of interest of Reserve Bank on its advances to Commercial Banks
77    d. small amount spent regularly
78    d. Promoters
79    a. Henry Fayol
80    c. 6%
81    a. Underutilisation of resource
82    b. money accumulated by the evasion of taxes 
83    b. Imports are more than exports
84    a. Increase of rate of tax with increase of income
85    b. excess of expenditure incurred by a Government over its receipt
86    d. Amartya sen
87    a. rise
88    c. Imperial Bank of India
89    d. Regional rural Bank
90    b. Mumbai
91    d. interest
92    d. Centre-states Finance relationship
93    a. Agriculture and Irrigation
94    a. co-existence of agriculture and industry
95    b. removed of poverty
96    a. National Income
97    c. Cement
98    c. 24%
99    a. inflation
100    c. Welfare economics
101    a. Direct Taxes
102    a. Tax revenue
103    a. free competition
104    b. III rd
105    d. All of these
106    d. All of these
107    a. government’s dept.
108    d. both increase in money supply and decrease in production
109    a. Memorandum of Association
110    b. no money is paid unless the risk happens
111    c. meet the statutory requirement
112    b. span of management
113    a. large industries
114    c. determining and comparing the demand of the job
115    b. vertical filing
116    d. all of these
117    a. as soon as the first instalment is paid
118    a. 10
119    b. Creditors
120    c. Way Bill - Lorry
121    d. All are correct
122    d. Twenty-five
123    b. a promise
124    b. 1935
125    c. I, II and III are correct
126    a. Bank
127    a. 4, 3, 1, 2
128    a. Direct exchange of goods for goods
129    d. Eighth Plan - 1992 – 1997
130    b. Rural youth for self employment
131    c. Money back policy
132    a. Debenture - Interest
133    c. Trade within the country
134    d. no competition
135    b. Trade
136    c. Agro-based Industry
137    a. 70% to 90% of the population is engaged in agriculture
138    a. 1992-97
139    d. Investment Trust
140    a. Economy
141    b. Fifth Plan
142    c. Orissa
143    c. Current Account
144    b. Working Capital
145    d. Reserve Bank of India
146    b. 1955
147    c. incomplete double entry
148    c. Cost Price or Market Price whichever is lower
149    a. Owners
150    a. Principal and Agent
151    d. All are correct
152    a. Delivery order
153    d. Centre-State financial relations
154    c. Central Statistical Organisation
155    c. Income
156    c. M. Visweshwaraya
157    a. 1951
158    d. Sixth Five Year Plan
159    c. D.H.Robertson
160    b. seasonal variations
161    d. 1989
162    d. II & IV are correct
163    c. A fall in national dept
164    d. Public consumption
165    c. 4,34,000
166    d. Land Development Banks
167    a. food, work and productivity
168    d. I,II, III & IV are correct
169    c. 1966 and 1969
170    a. Primary
171    d. more than 35 lakhs
172    c. I,II & IV
173     d. I & IV
174    a. Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices.
175    a. Small Industries

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