Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Class Room Daily Dose Booklet: DDB No: IE 03 Answers and Explanations


Class Room - Daily Dose Booklet
 DDB NO: IE 03
Indian Economy
1    b. Second Plan
2    d. all of these
3    c. Divisible Profit
4    b. Until he retires
5    a. 3, 1, 2, 4
6    c. (A) is true, but (R) is false
7    d. trade promotion
8    b. Expansion of product mix
9    c. Negotiable Instrument
10    b. voidable contract
11    c. Reserve Bank of India
12    c. long term basis
13    d. Karnataka
14    b. channel of informal communication
15    c. traditional and modern
16    b. Luther Gullick
17    b. Manufacturing Account
18    c. Dishonor
19    d. Tea
20    b. IDBI
21    d. Over-production
22    a. the average age of marriage among females is low
23    c. value of visible items of export and import 
24    a. Mahalanobis
25    a. cross lines of the cheque
26    d. Reserve Bank of India
27    c. 1, 2, 3, 4
28    b. export is less than import
29    a. Keynes
30    c. (A) is true , but (R) is false
31    b. 1966-69
32    a. Industrial Development Bank of India
33    b. business firms
34    c. McGregor
35    d. none of these
36    c. death of a partner
37    d. investment trust
38    c. debt equity ratio
39    a. debtor
40    d. regulate money supply
41    b. IMF
42    b. 3, 4, 1, 2
43    d. Indifference curve
44    a. Cotton Industry
45    a. Agricultural sector
46    a. winter are too warm
47     b. Industrial Development
48    d. The Eighth Five Year Plan
49    b. mixed economy
50    d. Fifth
51    c. 12
52    b. Perfect Competition
53    a. 1982
54    a. Adam Smith
55    a. decreases
56    c. increasing knowledge, skills and capacities of people of the country 
57    b. Ragnar Myrdal and Jan Tinbergen
58    b. frictional unemployment
59    b. population growth
60    c. Landless laboures
61    d. all of these
62    d. Mahalanobis model
63    b. Poverty, not unemployment
64    a. 17%
65    d. has recorded progress comparable to that of the advanced countries
66    b. more than in developed countries
67    a. incentive to profit
68    a. to grow rapidly
69    c. GNP increases faster than population
70    d. economic, social and political factors all together
71    c. does not permit foreign trade
72    c. 1951 
73    a. Government
74    c. 1992-97
75    a. National Rural Development Programme
76    b. intensive Agricultural District Programme
77    c. Adam Smith - Father of Economics
78    b. Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is not the correct explanation of(A)
79    a. Expenditure exceeding the Revenue
80    a. foreign investment
81    a. reduction in agriculture subsidy
82    b. quality of human resources
83    d. all of these
84    b. 10 years
85    d. all these
86    a. Psychological factors and social orthody
87    b. Second Five Year Plan
88    a. private sector and public sector functional together
89    c. Finance Commission
90    c. developing economy
91    c. Increasing per capital income
92    a. Reserve Bank of India
93    a. Leather and leather goods
94    d. self-sufficient with little surplus
95    c. wholesale price index
96    c. low food intake
97    d. liberal industrial policy
98    c. Price fixed by the government and price fixed in the open market
99    b. Adam Smith
100    d. Reserve Bank gives loan to any member of the public
101    d. by the equilibrium of demand and supply
102     d. Reserve Bank of India
103    a. written promise to pay
104    c. Central Bank
105    d. annual financial statement of income and expenditure
106    b. 14
107    d. 20
108    b. Italy
109    d. Uttar Pradesh
110    d. a developing country
111    d. Both are true
112    b. I,II and IV
113    c. Rs.5,50,000 Cr
114    a. National Rural Development Programme
115    a. Agricultural Sector
116    d. I and IV only
117    b. Reserve Bank of India
118    c. Equitable distribution of incomes
119    b. rising prices
120    a. 3, 1, 2, 4
121    d. mis-management
122    a. I and II are correct
123    c. G. D. P
124    b. II,III and IV are correct
125    d. 110
126    c. II alone is correct
127    b. Cotton Textile Industry
128    a. India is the second most popular country next to China
129    c. Investment Bank
130    c. heavy density of population and halfhearted implementation of agrarian reforms
131    a. 1950
132    b. high birth rate and low death rate
133    a. poverty
134    c. Local Bodies
135    b. Cotton Textiles
136    b. Selling at low prices in foreign markets
137    b. to help small entrepreneurs
138    a. an estimate of the expenditure and receipts of Government for one year
139    b. Economics
140    c. 65 and above
141    d. GATT agenda
142    a. Sixth Plan
143    c. fair prices
144    d. WTO
145    d. all of these
146    c. They are skilled and highly productive
147    d. Reserve Bank of India
148    d. All of these
149    c. Depletion of forest and pasture ands
150    a. Birds and Cages
151    d. All of these
152    c. Unexpected circumstances
153    d. Agriculture
154    a. iron and steel industry
155    a. RBI
156    b. a quality guarantee stamp for commodities like edible oils, ghee, honey etc.,
157    b. place utility
158    a. Excise Duty
159    a. Both (A) and (R) are false
160    a. I and III are correct
161    b. 2, 1, 4, 3
162    b. Public Distribution System
163    d. all of these
164    a. Direct taxation
165    b. more persons employed for a job which a few can accomplish
166    b. 18%
167    a. seasonal working capital
168    d. Prime Minister
169    c. Joint sector
170    d. all of these
171    d. Oil and Natural Gas Commission
172    b. Textile Mills
173    d. all of these
174    b. Small Scale Industries
175    b. April to April
176    d. quality guarantee stamp for agricultural commodities
177    a. Bank
178    b. a Customer
179    d. all of these
180    a. Lack of funds for survival
181    a. raw material
182    c. optional
183    c. cost price or market price whichever is lower
184    b. Current deposits
185    c. Joint stock companies
186    c. 1948
187    d. Indian Contract Act
188    a. physical marketing
189    a. postdated
190    d. Tamil Nadu
191    c. fixing the minimum limit of land owned by a family
192    a. Sales Tax
193    c. Excise Duty
194    d. to make recommendations on Centre-State financial relationship
195    c. Debtors
196    b. 20
197    b.1995
198    b. Central Statistical Organisation
199    d. 1997-2002
200    d. It is the result of savings 

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