Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Globalisation and Its Impact on Indian Culture - 10 Mints Seminar Notes

Globalisation and Its Impact on Indian Culture - 10 Mints Seminar Notes



•    Globalisation means the interaction and integration of the domestic economy with the rest of the world with regard   to foreign investment, trade, production, and financial matters.

•    It is the process by which business or other organisations start operating on an international scale. Globalisation stands for the consolidation of the various economics of the world.

Advantages of Globalisation:

•    Increase in foreign collaboration.

•    Reduction in Brain Drain.

•    Expansion of Market.

•    Technological Development.

Disadvantages of Globalisation:

•    Loss of Domestic Units.

•    Increase in Inequalities.

•    Dominance of Foreign Institutions.

Impacts of Globalization on Indian Culture:

•    The culture of any country does not only portray the region and language of the region, but it starts with the mindset and mentality of the residing citizens. Indian culture is quite rich with respect to its heritage and resources, and more importantly due to the welcoming approach of its citizens.

•    India is bouquet of flowers varying religion, dialect, edibles, tradition, custom, music, art, and architecture etc., bundled into a single unit of patriotism and unity.

•    The common factor within all these diversities is the Indian mindset of welcoming, greeting, celebrating in a united way with immense affection and togetherness. This is the rich essence of the Indian culture that has attracted many foreigners to stay back in India and mingle into its eternal fragrance.

•    When we analyse this rich culture with the globalization point of view, we can find many punch holes of westernization and mixing of other traits and cultures into our beautifully woven blanket.

Family Structure:

•    Let us start with the key attraction of Indian joint family culture. The joint families have become a strange surprise to the Indians especially to those residing in the metropolitan cities in the small flat culture with the nuclear families blooming up like mushrooms in the rain.

•    We have lost the patience to get adjusted into the joint family, imbibing the values of the elders, and getting the young ones brought up under the shadow of their grandparents.

•    Children have started treating grandparents like guests or visitors, and such an upbringing is one of the main reasons of increasing old age homes, as those children consider their own parents as burden in their state of adulthood.

Marriage Values:

•    Similarly, marriages have also lost their values. It is very much evident from the increasing number of divorce cases and the extra-marital affairs reported every now and then.

•    Marriage used to be considered as bonding of the souls which will be linked even after the death; but today marriage is like a professional bond or a so-called commitment to share life without compromising their self-interests. The ego factor into the Indian youth is again a product of globalization.


•    Both the genders were kept at a distance, with lot many restrictions and limitations to the approach for ages in our culture. With the emergence of globalization and western culture, youth have start mixing up well with each other. The friendly approach and the socializing feature is worth appreciable.

•    But the total breakout of restrictions have adulterated the Indian mindset, playing up with the physical relationship. This has given birth to new relationships in India like live-in relationships, also the increased cases of rape and sexual abuse cases are a result of the perverted mind which again the imported values very much alien to our mother culture.

Social Values:

•    We have the incorporated values of treating the guests as God, warm-hearted welcoming, greeting elders with due respect and a celebrating every small festival with great colour of enjoyment and togetherness. Such a wide gathering with full hue and light can hardly be seen today.

•    People have highly restricted themselves in social interaction. The interaction in present generation is highly diplomatic considering the financial status and wealth.

•    We have lost our social values and cheerful blessing of togetherness. The present generation is happier celebrating Valentine’s Day rather than Holi and Diwali.

Food, Clothing and Dialect:

•    Indian food, clothing and languages are varied with respect to different states. The food varies in its taste, but every food has its own nutrient value, and every region is specified and rich in its medicinal preparations with the home remedies.

•    Even the clothing varies in different states which is very much particular in maintaining the dignity of woman. The varies cuisines from all over the world though have different flavours to add, still the food ingredients that have inflicted with much popularity are the junk food items which has increased the health disorders in the country, again the dressings like the suiting for the males are an inappropriate match for the Indian type of climate. The female dresses are again a way of distraction to the perverted minds.

•    Even the Indians are not very much in favour of promoting their mother tongue or our national language. Instead, the youth today consider it to be a shameful condition to speak in their national language Hindi. The way the foreign languages are getting prevalent in India like the French, German and Spanish, right from the school level, is the example of how much we provide importance to Indian languages in comparison to the foreign ones.

Employment and the Agricultural Sector:

•    India was predominantly an agriculturally based country. With the advanced globalization and cropping up of MNCs, the farming has lost its prime value in India. Agricultural science has the least focus amongst the youngsters who consider farming as a shameful profession and look down upon the same.

•    Employments through MNCs have lucrative deals attracting the bulk of manpower that are working for the other countries as their customer care representatives.

•    We are losing our health and our status and slowly getting to the age of economic slavery due to these MNCs. This is what the globalization has provided Indians through their emergence.


•    To conclude we can call Globalization as a slow spreading risk factor that has covered almost the entire country with its severity. With some positivity of having a generalized knowledge of the culture throughout the world and the happening and incidences globally, still the major negative impacts are quite alarming for our country. Hence, we need to move very cautiously with the globalization process preserving our nation’s pride and maintain our cultural prestige.

Presented by


TNPSC Student

Magme School of Banking

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