Monday, March 29, 2021

Class Room Daily Dose Booklet: DDB No: Chemistry - Set 02 Answers and Explanations

Class Room - Daily Dose Booklet
DDB NO: Chemistry 02

1 d. displacement reaction

2 a. ZnO + Cà Zn + CO    

3 a. a detergent is dissolved in water       

4 c. both oxidation and reduction occur together


5 b. –d[A]/dt   

6 d. the concentration of the reactant decreases 

7 a. magnesium ribbon reacts faster in hydrochloric acid 

8 b. dissolution of calcium carbonate in hydrochloric acid at 40oC 

9 a. HCl and HNO3       

10 d. hydrochloric acid is a stronger acid than acetic acid 

11 b. 2 and 3  

12 a. A is a stronger acid than B 

13 c. hydrochloric acid    

14 d. Sodium oxide, magnesium hydroxide

15 d. Adding sodium hydroxide to a calcium oxide 

16 a. An aqueous solution of HCl pf 10-3 M

17 c. Toothpaste is alkaline while both tomato and lemon juice are acidic 

18 d. 9 

19 d. All the above 

20 a. combination   

21 a. double decomposition     

22 a. precipitation     

23 b. catalyst 

24 a. powder calcium carbonate

25 b. remain red   

26 a. 7  

27 b. 1 M NaOH     

28 a. Fe (OH)2    

29 b. O2 and NO2     

30 a. chromium trioxide 

31 a. Pb + CuCl2 à PbCl2 + Cu     

32 a. Powdered calcium carbonate    

33 c. acetic acid    

34 a. formic acid 

35 c. 3    

36 d. tartaric acid 

37 c. Al (OH)3   

38 a. 3      

39 b. 5    

40 c. lemon juice  

41 d. 7.4 

42 b. basic salt    

43 d. HCl 

44 b. alkaline     

45 b. electrons  

46 b. exothermic      

47 c. catalyst    

48 b. black  

49 b. 11  

50 c. HNO3   

51 a. hydrochloric acid 

52 b. carbonic acid           

53 c. magnesium hydroxide 

54 c. Ammonium hydroxide   

55 b. reduction  

56 b. exothermic      

57 a. endothermic   

58 b. tartaric acid      

59 b. H3PO4    

60 c. 7.35 – 7.45 

61 a. a straight line 

62 c. atomic number 

63 b. 2 and 3 

64 c. 11 to 18 

65 b. 8 

66 d. contains elements from potassium to krypto

67 c. sixth period 

68 a. first group and second group

69 b. transition elements 

70 c. The size of the atom increases along a period 

71 a. Copper, Silver and Gold 

72 b. Fe 

73 c. Haematic, Clay 

74 b. Na3AlF6 

75 c. Al 

76 a. a mixture of cuprous sulphide and ferrous sulphide 

77 c. nitrogen dioxide 

78 b. Haematite ore is concentrated by gravity separation 

79 b. Cu 

80 c. Fe2O3 + 3CO 3Fe + 3Co2  

81 a. 7 

82 c. mercury 

83 c. 2, 8, 14, 2 

84 b. (22/24) x100

85 a. ore 

86 d. aluminium 

87 b. forth floatation 

88 c. atomic number 

89 b. alkaline earth metals 

90 b. iron pyrites 

91 d. rusting 

92 b. wrought iron

93 c.Fe3O4

94 a. electrolyte

95 a. Magnalium

96 b. rust 

97 d. lead 

98 a. flux 

99 c. uranium

100 c. Bauxite 

101 a. Aluminium 

102 c. Helium

103 c. Al2O3 2H2O 

104 b. 1s2 2s2 2p2 , 4 

105 d. weak vander Waals force of attraction 

106 c. its small size 

107 c. The valency of carbon is always four 

108 c. ethyne, propyne, but-l-yne 

109 c. CHO 

110 c. propanone 

111 a. –OH 

112 c. but-l-ene and but-2-ene 

113 d. Methanol and butanol 

114 b. CH3COCH3 

115 b. ethanoic acid 

116 b. intra molecular dehydration 

117 b. CH2 = CH2 

118 b. CH3CH2OH 

119 c. dehydrogenation

120 b. heating sodium ethanoate with soda lime 

121 c. 1 and 2 only 

122 d. acetylene 

123 b. ethene and ethyne 

124 b. ethane 

125 b. 95% ethanol and 5% water 

126 b. ethane 

127 b. ammonium sulphate 

128 b.C2H6 

129 d. ethanoic acid 

130 d. –COOH 

131 b. Berzelius 

132 a. Wohler

133 b. 105 

134 d. 60 

135 a. hydrogen 

136 d. 30% 

137 b. fermentation 

138 b. zymase

139 a. C2H2 

140 b. Graphite

141 a. covalent 

142 b. similar 

143 c. CnH2n-2 

144 b. propane 

145 c. ethanol 

146 a. CH4 

147 c) 11.2 L 

148 a) 12g of C12 

149 a) 22.4 L

150 c) 8g of the oxygen 

151 b) 8

152 a) One mole 

153 c) One mole of Sodium 

154 b) 8.0g methane 

155 a) 2.0g hydrogen 

156 b) 6C12 

157 a) 1L each of SO2 and CO2 

158 a) 4 g of S 

159 d) 10 gm-molecule

160 c) MCl2

161 b) X2Y 

162 a) propene 

163 a) 53 g of Na2CO3 

164 (d) It contains isotopes

165 (a) Exclusion principle 

166 (a) 4p orbital 

167 (d) Hund’s rule

168 (c) 3

169 (b) Neutrons and protons

170 (b) An electron

171 (c) Hydrogen 

172 (d) +3,+2, +1,0, -1,-2,-3 

173 (d) n = 2, l =1 

174 (c) 17, 17, 20 

175 (d) 2n2

176 (c) The orientation of the orbital in space

177 (c) p-block

178 (b) s and p-blocks

179 (b) Flourine

180 (b) Cl

181 (b) Noble gases 

182 (d) Strength as a reducing agent.

183 (d) Inert gases.

184 (a) Chlorine, bromine and iodine 

185 (d) Newland

186 (a) Ionization enthalpy 

187 (e) LiCl.

188 (b) Ba (OH) 2

189 (c) Fluorine 

190 (a) Na 

191 (b) Lithium

192 (d) Fluorine

193 (a) Electropositive 

194 (c) Francium 

195 (b) p-block 

196 (a) Greater 

197 (c) Mg, Na, K, Rb

198 (d) Dobereiner

199 (a) d-orbitals

200 (a) Na

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