Monday, March 29, 2021

Class Room Daily Dose Booklet: DDB No: Chemistry - Set 06 Answers and Explanations

Class Room - Daily Dose Booklet
DDB NO: Chemistry 06

1 Physical 

2 Physical 

3 Crystals 

4 irreversible 

5 sublimation 

6 rust 

7 galvanization 

8 Sour 

9 Acidic 

10 Carbonic 

11 malic 

12 Inorganic

13 Bases 

14 Bases 

15 Hydroxy 

16 Caustic Soda 

17 Indicator 

18 green 

19 litmus 

20 amino 

21 Sodium Chloride 

22 Nitrate 

23 Physical 

24 crystallization 

25 sublimation 

26 Heating 

27 cooled 

28 rusting 

29 water and oxygen


30 bitter 

31 Nature 

32 Oxalic 

33 Alkalis 

34 quick lime 

35 lime water 

36 indicator 

37 yellow 

38 fatty 

39 bases

40 salt 

41 Sodium Bicarbonate 

42 Gun powder

43 space 

44 molecules

45 atoms 

46 nano meters 

47 Atoms 

48 space 

49 Inter Molecular 

50 Inter molecular 

51 Gaseous 

52 Juice 

53 solids 

54 solids 

55 incompressible 

56 Liquids 

57 less

58 Liquids 

59 Oil 

60 loosely 

61 Gases 

62 Compressed Natural Gas 

63 Gases 

64 Three 

65 Temperature 

66 water 

67 Melting 

68 boiling 

69 alkyl chloride (or) bromide

70 alkene with more than two β hydrogen atom

71 liquid state 

72 gaseous state

73 Ice 

74 Gases 

75 1 x 10^-9 m

76 solid, Liquid, Gas 

77 Liquid 

78 LPG 

79 Gas 

80 Gases 

81 CNG 

82 Minimum 

83 Maximum 

84 Less 

85 compressible 

86 melting point 

87 boiling point 

88 Ice 

89 water Vapour 

90 temperature

91 Ignition Temperature 

92 Foamite 

93 Calorific Value 

94 Stoge age 

95 stones 

96 Rapid 

97 Fuel 

98 Coal 

99 Match stick

100 Oxygen 

101 Oxygen 

102 Electric 

103 Yellow 

104 fuels 

105 Blue 

106 hydrocarbons 

107 higher 

108 Solid 

109 Petroleum 

110 Petroleum wells 

111 Bio gas 

112 Ethyl mercaptan 

113 Compressed Natural Gas

114 irreversible 

115 desirable irreversible 

116 fast 

117 reversible 

118 periodic 

119 non-periodic 

120 liberated 

121 absorbed 

122 CHCl3

123 slow change 

124 fast change 

125 first Indian woman 

126 one and half hours 

127 desirable changes 

128 1948

129 foot wear 

130 endothermic 

131 coal 

132 reversible

133 Hand picking 

134 Crystallisation 

135 size, colour, shape

136 sieving 

137 Elevators 

138 condensation 

139 evaporation

140 Sieving 

141 Hand picking 

142 The clear water collected after filtration.

143 Clay, Limestone, Gypsum 

144 Polyviny chloride 

145 Melamine 

146 annealing 

147 jute 

148 cellulose 

149 chemical 

150 Concrete 

151 Thermoplastic 

152 Thermosetting

153 Glass 

154 Synthetic fibres 

155 Sodium silicate 

156 concrete 

157 toxic, respiratory 

158 Soap 

159 degraded 

160 viral fever, infection 

161 PVC 

162 cotton 

163 Woollen 

164 Synthetic

165 Pure 

166 mixture 

167 milk 

168 atom 

169 Sulphur 

170 different 

171 92

172 universe, stars 

173 70

174 metalloid 


176 compound 

177 Sulphur dioxide 

178 fixed 

179 organic 

180 chalk pieces 

181 meat and fish 

182 quick lime 

183 2

184 zero 

185 silver 

186 zero 

187 variable

188 matter 

189 water 

190 mass 

191 Hydrogen, oxygen 

192 H2 O 

193 John Dalton 

194 Atom 

195 platinum

196 alkenes

197 atoms of electricity 

198 cathode 

199 poor 

200 cathode 

201 gas 

202 Goldstein 

203 electron 

204 anode 

205 positive 

206 proton 

207 mass 

208 charged 

209 visible 

210 positively 

211 Atom model

212 3×6.023×1023 

213 4×6.023×1023 

214 6.023×1023 

215 molecules

216 4g

217 1.505×1023 

218 4.142g

219 atomic mass

220 atomic number

221 configuration

222 short periods

223 eight 

224 Hydrogen

225 Protium

226 12.3 years

227 Deuteroammonia

228 Tritium 1H3

229 Heavy water (or) D2O 

230 Zero

231 deutrates

232 1813

233 unstable

234 plant ash

235 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s1

236 low

237 decreases

238 Lithium

239 ns2 np1 

240 BN (or) Boron nitride

241 Borox

242 Borozine (or) Borozole B3N3H6 

243 covalent

244 bucky ball 

245 not undergo 

246 Daniel Rutherfort 

247 aqua tortis 

248 decreases

249 molecular oxygen

250 ozone

251 Sieman̛ s ozoniser, Brodies ozoniser.

252 nascent

253 Ozone

254 6

255 8

256 Amorphous,super cooled 

257 centre

258 simple cubic, fcc & bcc

259 centre

260 isotropic

261 anisotropic

262 4

263 1

264 2, 2, 2,(222) plane 

265 ∞, 1, ∞ & &0, 1, 0&(010) plane

266 P + n2a /v2

267 Ti = 2a/Rb

268 adiabatic demagnetization 

269 cooling

270 inversely proportional 

271 Neon,Argon

272 covalent bond formation

273 Lattice enthalpy determination

274 covalent

275 less

276 mole fraction of the solute (X2) 

277 low

278 0.01 K

279 solvent

280 solvent

281 greater

282 more 

283 when the obey Raoult ̓s law 

284 different

285 isotonic

286 Total internal 

287 intensive 

288 greater than other process 

289 exothermic

290 greater

291 increase the Keq 

292 liquid-vapour equilibrium

293 partial pressure

294 independent

295 product of active masses 

296 first order 

297 polymerization

298 zero order 

299 by keeping in sunlight (or) by using infra-red light

300 sublimation

301 ordinary pressure

302 steam distillation 

303 thin layer of silica gel or alumina on a glass plate

304 M.S.Tswett 

305 capillary

306 alumina (or) MgO (or) silica gel (or) starch

307 differential 

308 partition

309 sigma (σ) 

310 propylene 

311 Z or geometrical 

312 Markovnikov ̓s 

313 carbonyl compound

314 acetylene

315 Acetylene

316 Acetylene

317 aromatic

318 coal tar 

319 Huckel

320 activating

321 deactivating 

322 Friedel- Craft ̓s alkylation (or) Wurtz-fitting

323 petroleum

324 electrophilic

325 Fluorine

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