Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Class Room Daily Dose Booklet: DDB No: Physics - Set 03 Answers and Explanations

Class Room - Daily Dose Booklet
DDB NO: Physics 03

1 d. charges 

2 c. Coulomb

3 a. ampere

4 a. 6.25 x 1018 electrons

5 b. ammeter

6 c. potential  

7 b. potential   

8 d. current 

9 a. V/I= R 

10 d. 4 

11 a. volt/ampere 

12 b. resistance

13 a. Current 

14 d. series always 

15 c. 1/Rp = 1/R1 

16 b. potential difference  

17 c. 1 volt 

18 a. I2Rt 

19 b. 0.25A     

20 b. 0.66 Ω  

21 b. 0.125A  

22 c. voltmeter  

23 b. 50J 

24 c. an alloy of tin and lead 

25 a. live is red, neutral is black   

26 c. electrical energy

27 a. 3.6 X 106 J 

28 b. electric power   

29 b. In an electrolytes  

30 c. Volta 

31 d. electrical energy 

32 b. spongy lead 

33 c. 1.08V  

34 b. metals

35 c. Lechlanche

36 c. Lead acid accumulator

37 d. Carbon rod 

38 a. active materials  

39 c. 2.2 V  

40 d. all the above

41 a. Coal 

42 d. dil. H2SO4

43 d. discharging 

44 d. all the above 

45 d. petroleum 

46 b. burning fuel              

47 c. hydro power plant  

48 c. electrical energy

49 b. kinetic energy 

50 a. kinetic energy   

51 a. higher than 15 km per hour  

52 d. all the above 

53 b. 60W

54 c. increase for some time and then remains constant 

55 d. using a solar cooker 

56 c. Sun

57 d. It can cook the food at any time 

58 c. Solar cell   

59 c. nuclear fusion    

60 b. nuclear energy        

61 a. nuclear fission      

62 c. controlled nuclear fusion          

63 d. Hentry Becquerel 

64 a. radioactive elements   

65 d. α,β,γ-rays

66 d. all the above 

67 b. Otto Hahn and Strass man

68 a. 200 MeV  

69 c. combining lighter nuclei  

70 b. E= mc2  

71 c. extremely high temperature   

72 a. thermo nuclear reaction      

73 a. 9 x1016 J  

74 d. uncontrolled nuclear fusion 

75 a. atom bomb    

76 b. nuclear reactivity        

77 b. radiation exposure 

78 a. 250mR per week    

79 d. thick walled lead container 

80 c. small micro film badge

81 d. all the above 

82 d. ocean thermal energy 

83 a. moon  

84 c. tidal energy 

85 b. Solar energy and wind energy 

86 a. tidal energy 

87 a. dams    

88 a. 5A   

89 b. A   

90 d. cow-dung 

91 b. 4 V 

92 1:02

93 c. electric energy  

94 c. Black 

95 a. greater than 82    

96 c. current = resistance x potential difference

97 a. 0.01 mm

98 d. all the above 

99 a. astronomical unit    

100 b. astronomical unit   

101 a. magnetic field   

102 c. magnetic lines of force   

103 d. all the above 

104 b. magnetic field around it 

105 a. move towards east  

106 b. North to south   

107 d. The field consists of concentric circles centered on the wire 

108 d. None of the above 

109 c. Oersted  

110 a. circular at the ends but they are parallel to the axis inside the loop 

111 b. along the axis of the coil emerges outwards 

112 d. all the above 

113 b. perpendicular to the plane of the wire 

114 a. mechanical force   

115 c. Andre Marie Ampere        

116 b. mechanical effect    

117 c. perpendicular to both the direction of current and magnetic field 

118 d. direction of current and direction of magnetic field 

119 d. all the above 

120 b. at right angles to the magnetic field

121 c. zero

122 b. Fleming’s left hand rule 

123 c. right angles 

124 b. thumb 

125 a. magnetic field    

126 c. middle finger            

127 d. electrical energy into mechanical energy 

128 a. mechanical effect of current        

129 b. armature  

130 c. commutator

131 c. commutator

132 a. Fleming’s left hand rule    

133 c. couple   

134 c. anticlockwise direction   

135 d. current flows through it 

136 c. rotate the coil  

137 a. increasing the number of turns in armature    

138 c. power is increased   

139 d. magnetic flux 

140 a. electro magnet  

141 d. Michael Faraday 

142 c. production of current by relative motion between a magnetic and a coil

143 c. electromagnetic induction    

144 d. all the above 

145 c. induced current     

146 a. electromagnetic induction     

147 d. all the above

148 d. length of the magnet 

149 a. Faraday’s law   

150 c. Fleming’s right hand rule  

151 a. Fleming’s left hand rule 

152 d. generator rule 

153 d. motion of conductor 

154 a. direction of induced current 

155 c. Electromagnetic induction

156 a. mechanical into electrical energy  

157 d. electromagnetic induction 

158 a. Fleming’s right hand rule  

159 d. powerful permanent magnet 

160 c. perpendicular to the direction of magnetic field 

161 b. slip rings   

162 d. magnetic flux 

163 c. an emf 

164 c. Fleming’s right hand rule 

165 b. half rotation of the coil 

166 c. alternating current 

167 b. electromagnetic induction 

168 c. unidirectional current   

169 a. split rings  

170 c. armature  

171 c. reverse the current   

172 d. split rings 

173 d. carbon brushes 

174 d. all the above 

175 b. periodically 

176 c. spherical mirrors

177 a. concave mirror     

178 a. concave  

179 d. centre of curvature 

180 c. pole    

181 b. principal focus  

182 b. twice the focal length   

183 c. concave   

184 c. plane mirror

185 a. concave 

186 b. concave mirror  

187 c. both I and II are true 

188 c. either convex or concave mirror

189 c. reflection

190 d. refraction

191 d. between O and (F) 

192 a. infinity

193 b. at C 

194 c. beyond 2F

195 b. at 2F  

196 c. virtual-erect and diminished  

197 c. to produce heat    

198 d. all the above 

199 a. concave  

200 b. convex  

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