Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Class Room Daily Dose Booklet: DDB No: Biology - Set 04 Answers and Explanations

Class Room - Daily Dose Booklet
DDB NO: Biology 04

1 a. Grass, flowers and leaves

2 b. Grass, goat and human 

3 d. All the above


4 c. Petroleum

5 Tiger

6 c. Bio plastics

7 d. Carbon dioxide

8 b. Bacteria 

9 a. Potassium iodide 

10 d. Coal 

11 a. sewage 

12 a. imbalance in nature 

13 d. afforestation 

14 Herbivorous

15 a. Both ‘A’ and ‘R’ are true and ‘R’ explains ‘A’ 

16 does not cause pollution

17 bio-plastics

18 b. incineration 

19 a. Toxic drugs and human anatomical wastes 

20 b. evaporation and recondensation 

21 c. Sunder bans National Park 

22 d. Corbett National Park 

23 b. Producers, consumers and decomposers 

24 c. Sunlight

25 b. Grassà Grasshopperà Frogà Snackà Eagle

26 d. 1995 

27 a. Bio-plastics

28 a. Marshall McLuhan 

29 b. Wetland conservation 

30 a. Aquifers

31 a. Global Electrical Village 

32 a. air 

33 b. Incineration

34 c. nitrogen

35 b. Tar balls

36 c. pollution

37 d. Fresh water and salt water 

38 a. fresh water

39 b. Rainwater Harvesting 

40 d. Slopes of Western ghats 

41 b. 13 

42 d. Kalakkadu Wild Life Sanctuary 

43 c. Manas wild life sanctuary 

44 b. wild peacocks 

45 a. Gir National Park 

46 d. Bharathpur Bird Sanctuary

47 a. Uttaranchal 

48 c. Bandhipur National Park

49 c. Moon

50 a. Uttaranchal 

51 a. Precipitation 

52 b. Green house gas

53 c. Crude oil 

54 c. cotton

55 b. solar radiation

56 a. oil spills 

57 c. fertilizers 

58 a. World Wide Web 

59 d. petroleum 

60 a. Bio ethanol 

61 b. dracunculiasis 

62 a. primary treatment 

63 d. all the above 

64 a. Ethane 

65 c. heart attack 

66 b. Nitrosomonas europaea 

67 c. yellow fever

68 a. Trypanosomiasis 

69 c. 300 million

70 d. fertilizer 

71 c. Energy management 

72 d. Energy Audit 

73 c. we should not use them faster than they are replenished by nature 

74 b. hydrogen 

75 c. Wind power

76 a. Fossil fuel 

77 c. Natural gas

78 c. 6000 megawatts 

79 c. Olive oil 

80 d. USA and Brazil 

81 b. Water 

82 d. Rainfall

83 a. Ocean water

84 a. Artesian well

85 b. Trachoma 

86 a. yellow fever

87 a. Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs

88 a. Solar energy 

89 a. Hydrogen 

90 b. Denmark 

91 b. species

92 c. phytoplanktons

93 b. Two kingdoms

94 c. Linnaeus

95 b. Hippocrates

96 b. John Ray

97 c. De Candolle

98 b. helical

99 b. nucleic acid

100 c. it is constantly changing it’s form   

101 b. W. M. Stanley

102 a. Pox

103 c. SARS

104 b. bacterio viridin

105 b. Pleomorphic

106 b. Pasteur

107 d. Ehrenberg

108 c. Amphitrichous

109 d. Nitrosomonas

110 a. Oxygen

111 c. Acetobactor

112 d. mycology

113 a. chitin

114 a. bread moulds

115 b. Claviceps

116 b. Neurospora

117 c. Algae

118 c. Chlorella

119 b. Zygnema

120 b. Fucus

121 b. Chlorella

122 b. Mitosis

123 c. Funaria

124 b. Sphagnum

125 b. Oogamy

126 b. Pteridophytes

127 c. Marsilea

128 a. Heterospory

129 b. coal

130 b. Deciduous senescence

131 d. transcription

132 a. differentiation

133 a. fungi

134 d. plasmid

135 c. peptidoglycan

136 b. intussusception

137 b. Middle lamella

138 a. Nageli

139 d. against the concentration gradient

140 a. cell eating

141 b. opposite decussate

142 d. Avicennia

143 c. Nodulose

144 d. Cuscuta

145 a. Phyllode

146 b. entire leaf

147 a. Racemose inflorescence

148 d. coenanthium

149 c. Launaea

150 c. compound spadix

151 a. cyathium

152 a. lotus

153 b. centrifugal

154 c. Lagasca

155 c. Thyrsus

156 a. Flower

157 d. Four

158 d. Four Whorls

159 c. Monocots

160 a. As soon as flower opens

161 b. Dithecous

162 c. Syncarpous

163 b. Parietal

164 c. Ovules

165 d. Parthenocarpic Fruits

166 b. Sutton & Boveri

167 d. All the above

168 b. Antirrhinum

169 a.1:2:1

170 b. Bateson & Punnett

171 b. Pythagoras

172 c. Mendel

173 c. Atavism

174 b. Aristotle

175 b. Silisian

176 c. Reciprocal cross

177 d. White

178 d. Codon

179 b. Cistron

180 a. Locus

181 d. Butschili

182 a. Water potential

183 c. Diffusion

184 c. Plasmolysis

185 a. Endosmosis

186 a. ψm

187 a. Golgi body

188 d. Capillary water

189 d. stomata

190 b. Imbibition

191 b. endosmosis

192 b. Scarth

193 a. Godslewski

194 c. pulsation theory

195 d. none of the above

196 d. All the above

197 d. All the above

198 b. Magnesium

199 a. Ion exchange

200 a. Jenny and Overstreet

201 a. Stem

202 d. Bryophyllum

203 c. Guava

204 b. Condensed runner

205 d. Turions

206 b. Entomophily

207 b. Ceratophyllum

208 c. Ants

209 b. Chiropterophily

210 d. Dichogamy

211 b. Bombax

212 a. Rice

213 d. Xenogamy

214 c. 7 celled

215 a. Syngamy

216 d. Both a. and c.

217 a. Water

218 c. Scutellum

219 a. Maize

220 b. Halophytes

221 b. cisternae

222 d. leucoplasts

223 c. thylakoids

224 b. S phase

225 a. cytoplasm

226 d. diakinesis

227 d. All the above

228 a. Drupe

229 c. Sorosis

230 b. Passiflora

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