Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Class Room Daily Dose Booklet: DDB No: Biology - Set 07 Answers and Explanations

Class Room - Daily Dose Booklet
DDB NO: Biology 07

1 adolescence

2 adolescence

3 11, 19 

4 Puberty

5 Puberty

6 sebaceous glands


7 digestion

8 blood stream 

9 thyroxine

10 Pancreas 

11 Pancreas 

12 diabetes mellitus 

13 Adrena;

14 testosterone

15 progesterone

16 spurt in growth 

17 proteins, carbohydrate 

18 Calcium

19 iron

20 balanced diet

21 food

22 addiction 

23 drug addicts 

24 Cigarettes 

25 infertility 

26 asthma, ear infections 

27 Nuts

28 mung beans 

29 toxic 

30 Vitamin C

31 Cancer 

32 apoptosis 

33 constipation

34 bladder

35 Leukaemia

36 Adenomas

37 fruits, vegetables

38 pivot

39 Nitrogen Oxides 

40 lung cancer

41 Agaricus

42 Gelidium 

43 Cycas

44 Chlorella

45 bryophytes

46 chlorophyll

47 food 

48 whittaker

49 yeast 

50 agaricus

51 hyphae

52 mycelium

53 chitin

54 puccinia

55 Agaricus 

56 mycorrhizae

57 agaricus bisporus

58 amanita phalloides

59 ashbya gospii 

60 Algae

61 Algae

62 cellulose

63 fragmentation 

64 chara 

65 oscillatoria

66 sargassum

67 polysiphonia

68 chlamydomonas 

69 yeast

70 chlorella pyrenoidosa 

71 red algae 

72 Funaria

73 bryophytes

74 sphagnum

75 mosses

76 gametes

77 spores 

78 alternation of generation 

79 pteridophytes

80 dimorphic

81 fronds

82 rhizome

83 Jurassic period

84 sporangia

85 Dryopteries

86 Gymnosperms

87 V pinus

88 coralloid roots 

89 ginkgobiloba

90 gymnosperms

91 angiosperms

92 monocotyledons

93 dictotyledons

94 maize

95 bean

96 nitric acid 

97 acid rain 

98 U-V rays 

99 industries 

100 Thermal pollution 

101 Seas, Oceans

102 salty

103 Jun-05

104 Dead sea

105 Rain

106 0O and100O

107 0O 

108 100O

109 ice

110 water droplets

111 rivers

112 Aquifer

113 Water table

114 desalination

115 reverse Osmosis

116 Mar-22

117 Water 

118 Seas

119 salty

120 Glaciers, Polar 

121 Mar-21

122 Oct-05

123 Apr-22

124 Nov-25

125 Solid, Liquid, Gas

126 Rain water

127 Glaciers, Ice caps, Snow fields

128 Rain fall, snow 

129 salty 

130 Salinity

131 ice

132 water droplets 

133 water vapour 

134 mist, fog, steam, clouds

135 precipitation

136 rivers 

137 Aquifer

138 ground

139 water table 

140 water table 

141 salt water 

142 seasonal 

143 June and October 

144 Indus, Ganga, Brahmaputra

145 1897

146 scarcity

147 Rain Water Harvesting

148 sea water 

149 reduced

150 Rain Water Harvesting 

151 Glaciers

152 distillation, reverse osmosis 

153 evaporation, condensation

154 Minjur

155 35

156 distilled


158 Oxygen

159 Anaerobic

160 Stomata

161 herbivores

162 carnivores

163 food web

164 Green plants

165 decreases

166 one

167 biome

168 trophical rain

169 Nilgiris and Naga hills

170 Rajasthan

171 agricultural 

172 agriculture

173 shelter

174 energy

175 21.34%

176 20%

177 agriculture

178 harvesting 

179 crops

180 agriculture

181 Ancient China

182 Sericulture

183 Mulbery

184 Reeling

185 second

186 To lay Eggs

187 Apiculture

188 undesirable

189 Poultry Farming

190 Poultry Farm

191 Croton, Rose

192 woody, trunk

193 fruits, wood

194 Root system, shoot branches

195 main root, lateral branches

196 Stem, leaves

197 fruits, seeds

198 Underground, Aerial

199 tap root system, adventitious root system

200 secondary, Tertiary roots

201 R.H.Whittaker

202 Unicellular

203 Penicillin

204 Cell wall

205 Rice

206 primitive, tuberculosis

207 Puffballs, eukaryotic

208 Unicellular, Saprophytic

209 alcohol, fermentation

210 Cell wall, cellulose

211 capital, small

212 latin, underlined

213 common, universally

214 new cells, ecosystem

215 silent killer

216 Boreal

217 Northern

218 Forests

219 Vanamahotsav

220 biomes

221 skin

222 skin

223 7

224 inspiration

225 frame

226 three

227 bone

228 heart

229 Skeletal

230 circulatory

231 Haemoglobin

232 capillaries

233 Peripheral

234 Hormones

235 eggs

236 Siddha Vaidhya

237 Siddhars

238 Siddha

239 Ayurveda

240 Samuel Hahnemann

241 Hippocrates

242 Glucose

243 Diabetes

244 Aerobic

245 Exercise

246 preservation

247 Pasteurization

248 Osmosis

249 Fast food

250 weight gain, Obesity

251 Forest

252 eco system 

253 eco system 

254 Artificial

255 two

256 Three

257 Sun

258 food chain 

259 trophic level

260 Producers

261 Muscles to a bone 

262 Setae

263 periosteum

264 skeletal system 

265 Tendons

266 bone

267 one third 

268 Soft marrow 

269 brain, heart 

270 4

271 periosteum

272 long

273 irregular

274 ligaments

275 joint 

276 synovial 

277 synovial fluid

278 Ear lobe 

279 hip joint 

280 Gliding

281 uncontrolled activities

282 Radioactive minerals

283 population

284 Carbon dioxide

285 Sulphur dioxide 

286 global warming 

287 U-V 

288 Water pollution

289 erosion

290 Sewage

291 cooling towers

292 Reuse

293 Cleaning

294 Organic material 

295 land

296 land

297 Pesiticides

298 Trees and Plants 

299 land pollution

300 Poly Hydroxy Butyrate

301 Eumycetes, Schizomycetes

302 Methyl Iso Cyanate (MIC)

303 Skin cancer

304 Mercury

305 Reduce, Recycle and Reuse

306 Erosion

307 poison

308 Chlorofluorocarbon 

309 plant

310 Carbon dioxide

311 Cell

312 1665

313 Theodor Schwann

314 cell cytoplasm matrix 

315 endoplasmic reticulum

316 lipids

317 nucleolus

318 two

319 ribosome

320 protein

321 oocytes

322 Lysosomes

323 suicidal bags 

324 cristae

325 power houses 

326 Henneguy, Leuhossek 

327 centrioles

328 nucleoplasm

329 chromosomes

330 nucleus

331 nucleoplasm

332 Epithelial tissues. 

333 ciliated epithelium 

334 lymph glands 

335 blood platelets 

336 three

337 bone cells 

338 nissel bodies 

339 Dendron

340 three

341 organ

342 vision

343 pupil 

344 sensitive

345 Rods

346 beta cells of islets of langerhans of pancreas

347 The recessive mutant 

348 salmonella typhi

349 contaminated food and water 

350 yoga and physiotherapy

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