Friday, April 16, 2021

Class Room Daily Dose Booklet: DDB No: Indian Polity - English Set 02 Answers and Explanations

Class Room - Daily Dose Booklet
DDB NO: Indian Polity 02 (English)


1 Supreme Court

2 Both Supreme and High Courts

3 Legislature

4 can be suspended by the President during national emergency

5 Those basic conditions of social life without which a Citizen cannot be at his/her best self

6 Citizens against arbitrary rule

7 Six

8 Without authority

9 Police

10 Renunciation, Deprivation & Termination

11 Jawaharlal Nehru

12 10

13 Sardar

14 18

15 326 and 61st

16 Persons having higher incomes

17 Most Backward Class

18 Reservation for backward class people

19 Annual income

20 He same law shall apply to all who are similarly situated

21 Socially and Educationally backward class people

22 50%

23 linguistic or religious

24 Public nuisance

25 Supreme Court

26 FRs are superior to the DPSP

27 Golak Nath Case

28 Certain implied and inherent limitation of not amending the Basic Structure of the Constitution

29 Maneka Gandhi V/s Union Government Case

30 Sunil Batra V/s Delhi Administration Case

31 Vishaka V/s State of Rajasthan Case

32 M.C. Mehta V/s Union of India (1988)

33 Mohin Jain V/s State of Karnataka Case

34 Unnikrishnan V/s State of Andhra Pradesh Case

35 S.R. Bommai V/s Union of India

36 An adult resident citizen of a State

37 not a fundamental right but a legal right

38 The Right to Strike

39 Property

40 Governor of State

41 14

42 All persons

43 permits the State to make special provisions for women, children and backward classes

44 16

45 Equality

46 Social

47 Public order, Security of the State & Friendly relations with foreign States

48 Law and order

49 Right to constitutional remedies

50 Right to freedom of religion

51 Sovereignty and integrity of the country

52 Speech

53 Contempt of Court

54 Human Right

55 Property

56 Help the minorities to conserve their culture

57 32

58 when the citizen approaches the court for remedy

59 President during a National Emergency

60 Both Supreme and High Courts

61 Right  against exploitation

62 selling or purchasing men and women

63 Traffic in Human being

64 public order

65 Morarji Desai

66 there should be equality  amongst equals and inequality among unequals

67 Parliament

68 34

69 ensure individual liberty

70 can be deprived of life and liberty only in accordance with the procedure established by the law

71 C and W

72 Article 15 (3)

73 Women and Children

74 SCs and STs

75 Criminal cases

76 Double jeopardy

77 Ex-post facto law

78 passing criminal law with retrospective effect

79 to consult his Lawyer

80 Magistrate

81 24 hours

82 Mandatory

83 On the grounds for such arrest

84 Mandatory

85 86th


87 Primary Education

88 6 to 14

89 86th

90 Education to all children between 6-14 years of age

91 Right to life

92 get education

93 1976

94 Cult

95 30

96 Linguistic Minority

97 Right to life

98 he is likely to cause harm to the public

99 compulsion of economic circumstances

100 geographical

101 FRs

102 Mandal Commission Case

103 calling for ‘Bundh’

104 freedom of speech and expression

105 19(1)(d)

106 personal liberty

107 unsoundness of mind, crime or corrupt or illegal practice & non-resident

108 War or external aggression

109 can be suspended

110 Reasonable restrictions

111 No religion as National Religion

112 Citizens only, Persons residing within India & Persons of Indian Origin

113 22

114 Public order, Morality & Health

115 Freedom

116 right of every human being to live with dignity

117 Article 20 & Article 22

118 Fair, Reasonable & Just

119 Writ of Prevention

120 5

121 Supreme Court

122 in the form of an order calling upon a person who has detained another person to authority for such detention

123 whereby it can call upon a person to show under what authority he is holding the office

124 to command a person or public authority to do something in the nature of the public duty

125 to an inferior court to transfer the record of proceedings in a case for review

126 to prevent an inferior court or tribunal from exceeding its jurisdiction or acting contrary to the rules of natural justice

127 Prohibits lower court exceeding its jurisdiction

128 Prohibition

129 judicial authority acts in excess of jurisdiction

130 Certiorari

131 23

132 23

133 24

134 potential

135 there is likelihood of committing offence against public 

136 An Advisory Board must be constituted within three months

137 Non-performance of public duties

138 Unlawful occupation of public office

139 Quo Warranto

140 produce the body before the court

141 Habeas Corpus

142 Habeas Corpus

143 All citizens of India

144 Morarji Desai

145 44th

146 Property

147 Supreme Court

148 Freedom of Movement

149 6

150 14

151 24

152 Royappa V/s Tamil Nadu State

153 Vishaka and Others V/s State of Rajasthan

154 Bharat

155 Education of Children

156 Emergency

157 Writ of Mandamus – Issued to the public servants

158 Mandamus

159 Orders issued by courts to enforce obedience to laws

160 Freedom of Conscience – Include the Right to worship at the temple at all hours of the day

161 Limitation upon the State power

162 Positive and Negative

163 Subject to reasonable restrictions

164 Life and Liberty

165 Right to Personal Liberty

166 Six

167 1986


1 Ireland

2 Part IV

3 Ambedkar

4 providing a social and economic base for a genuine democracy in the country

5 positive instructions to government to work for the attainment of set objectives

6 Guidelines to State


8 36 to 51

9 50

10 Social Rights

11 Non-justiceable

12 Parliament, supported by more than 50% of States


14 Welfare State in the country

15 Resources available with the Government

16 Socialist, Gandhians and Liberals

17 Arms Act

18 Raising the standards of living of the people

19 44

20 Common Civil law applicable to all

21 A codified law applicable to all persons of India irrespective of their religion

22 Uniform Civil Code

23 Promote International Peace and Security, Encourage settlement of international disputes by arbitration & Maintain just and good relations between nations

24 Preamble and FRs

25 39

26 early childhood care and education for all children until they complete the age of 6 years

27 49

28 To make the Constitution an instrument of social change




32 39

33 Both Movable and Immovable property

34 Secular

35 K. T. Shah

36 B. R. Ambedkar

37 42nd

38 38

39 50

40 51

41 Minerva Mills


43 14

44 42 and 43

45 48A

46 Amendment 42nd

47 The State shall endeavor to protect and improve the environment

48 Participation of workers in the management of industry, Protection of the environment & Free legal aid to the poor

49 The DPSP aim at realizing the ideals of justice, liberty, equality and fraternity enshrined in the Preamble to the Constitution & The DPSP have to be kept in mind by the government while formulating policies and framing laws

50 Organization of Village Panchayats, Prohibition on the use of intoxicating drinks except for medicinal purposes & To work for the development of weaker or backward sections of the society

51 25th

52 Vastness of the country, Lack of resources with the government & Lack of political will

53 No law can be passed by legislature which is not in conformity with these principles

54 to ensure a decent standard of living and leisure for all workers, to provide adequate means of livelihood to all & to prevent concentration of wealth and means of production and to ensure equitable distribution of wealth and material resources

55 to secure Uniform Civil Code

56 Help the minorities to conserve their culture

57 cannot be enforced in any court

58 take stringent measures to eliminate corruption

59 Secure just and efficient judiciary

60 42nd

61 Democratic

62 Adult Education

63 opposition from the society

64 Public Order

65 to minimize inequality in income, environment and to safeguard forests and wildlifestatus, facilities and opportunities amongst individuals and groups, right of the workers to participate in the management of industries & to protect and improve the

66 there should be equality  amongst equals and inequality among unequals


68 State is required

69 The courts can compel the State to implement some of the important directives

70 Prevention of concentration of wealth and the means of production, Protection of the health of workers & Equal pay for equal work to all

71 Social and Economic democracy

72 Granville Austin

73 Lack of political will


1 Russia

2 Sardar Swaran Singh

3 An Amendment to the Constitution

4 Citizens

5 added to the Constitution by 42nd Amendment (11.12.1976)

6 1976

7 Abide by the Constitution

8 Not to indulge in corrupt practice

9 cannot be initiated in any Court

10 Filing writ petition

11 curb subversive and unconstitutional activities

12 are contained in Part IV-A of the Constitution

13 FDs

14 IV-A

15 51A

16 3:02

17 FD

18 FDs of every citizen

19 Anand Math

20 27th December, 1911

21 22.07.1947

22 FDs & DPSP

23 51A (g)

24 To develop scientific temper

25 Legal

26 To practice family planning and control population

27 86th and 2002

28 FDs

29 To uphold and protect the sovereignty of India, To safeguard the public property & To protect and improve environment

30 Constitutional

31 42nd

32 FDs

33 51A (e)

34 86th

35 (i) Ideals of the national struggle & (ii) Defend the country and render national service

36 (i) To protect the sovereignty, unity and integrity of India & 

(ii) To protect and improve the natural environment including forests, lakes, rivers and wild life

37 Develop scientific temper


1 British Monarch

2 The Constitution

3 Switzerland

4 New Delhi

5 Yes

6 Press

7 Press

8 Legislature

9 Executive

10 make law

11 just, fair and reasonable action

12 Catching criminals and punishing them

13 dominance of Union laws over State laws in case of any conflict between the two

14 Three lists

15 the Parliament

16 Parliament

17 Parliament

18 President

19 President

20 Both Officers and Government

21 Parliament

22 When a matter is of public importance

23 Certiorari

24 Keshavananda Bharti case

25 13

26 Center-State Relations

27 Disputes arising out of pre-constitution treaties and agreements

28 Supreme Court only

29 President

30 Court of Second Class Magistrate

31 Law by Parliament

32 13.05.2002

33 President

34 President

35 Parity between the Center and the States has been maintained

36 States

37 The Vice President

38 Lok Sabha

39 Elected

40 By Electoral College

41 Infinite times

42 Chief Justice of India

43 Thousand

44 President

45 Fazal Ali

46 States Reorganization Act

47 Linguistic basis

48 President

49 Linguistic and Regional diversity

50 The President

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