Friday, April 16, 2021

Class Room Daily Dose Booklet: DDB No: Indian Polity - English Set 05 Answers and Explanations

Class Room - Daily Dose Booklet
DDB NO: Indian Polity 05 (English)


1 The President

2 60 - 500

3 30 and 25

4 5 and 6

5 35 and 5

6 5

7 2

8 Governor

9 Governor

10 Governor

11 Some other State

12 Agent of President

13 President

14 During the pleasure of the President

15 State Chief Minister

16 State Legislature

17 The Consolidated Fund of the State

18 Legislative Assembly

19 State Legislature

20 Parliament

21 President

22 Constitutional Head  of the State

23 Not hold any other office of profit

24 President

25 Yes

26 Shared by the concerned States

27 (i) Can nominate certain members of Anglo-Indian community to the Legislative Assembly,(ii) Can summon or prorogue the State Legislative, (iii) Can appoint one-sixth the members of the Legislative Council

28 Chief Justice of High Court

29 Chief Justice of High Court

30 Governor

31 (i) No Money Bill can be introduced in State Legislature without prior permission of Governor,(ii) He can recommend to the President to impose President’s Rule in the State,(iii) He has the power to issue ordinances when the legislature is not in session

32 Only during the recess of the State Legislature

33 State Legislature

34 May be transferred from one State to another State

35 Legislative Assembly

36 Governor

37 Governor

38 President

39 six months

40 Jammu & Kashmir citizenship

41 Governor

42 1884

43 4

44 Calcutta

45 West Bengal

46 Area and Population

47 President

48 Bombay, Calcutta and Madras

49 At his discretion

50 One year

51 Appointing the Advocate General

52 60

53 Presence of two Houses in the State

54 Presence of one House in the State

55 Bicameral

56 Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra,

57 Tamil Nadu and West bengal

58 Punjab and Haryana

59 1975

60 State Government of Jammu & Kashmir

61 President

62 State Legislative Council

63 Governor

64 President

65 62

66 Parliament

67 226

68 Violation of Fundamental and Legal Rights

69 High Court’s power of superintendence over all Courts and Tribunals within its Jurisdiction

70 Parliament

71 294

72 President

73 62

74 40

75 One-third and 

76 Chief Minister

77 as long as it retains the confidence of Legislative Assembly

78 Legislative Assembly

79 Chief Minister

80 National Development Council

81 Control over State Judiciary

82 A member of the Legislative Council of the State

83 He must become a member of the State Legislature within six months

84 Dissolves the Legislative Assembly

85 Stamp duties

86 Teachers of not lower than secondary school level in the State

87 State Legislative Council

88 Not dissolved

89 5

90 Legislative Council

91 With the special leave of Supreme Court

92 The court that preserves all the records

93 Parliament on the recommendation of the State Legislative Assembly

94 Civil

95 Excise Duty

96 Sales Tax

97 High Court

98 Calcutta

99 Parliament

100 Two years

101 Delhi

102 Ability of the person who is most likely to command a stable majority

103 Only Supreme Court has jurisdiction to decide that case

104 (i) Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat, (ii) Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka, (iii) Karnataka and Tamil Nadu

105 Women and Children

106 Personal matters

107 Members of Legislative Assembly

108 Deputy Speaker of Legislative Assembly

109 Remains as Speaker until the 1st Meeting of the Legislative Assembly after the dissolution

110 After 14 days clear notice passed by majority of all the Members of the House

111 Speaker

112 Speaker of Legislative Assembly

113 Right to vote only in case of tie

114 Six months

115 Speaker of Legislative Assembly

116 Has the same force as the law made by the State Legislature

117 Qualified to be appointed as Judge of High Court

118 Judges of High Court

119 Governor

120 Parliament

121 Entertainment Tax

122 56th

123 52nd

124 42nd

125 Local Self Government

126 When the Government of the State cannot be carried in accordance with the Provision of the Constitution

127 370

128 Concurrence of the State Legislature

129 Governor

130 High Court of the State

131 Legislative Assembly of the State

132 Bombay, Madras and Calcutta

133 Indian High Courts Act,

134 President

135 Writ Jurisdiction

136 State Governor

137 Consolidated Fund of the State

138 (i) Original Jurisdiction, (ii) Administrative powers, (iii) Appellate Jurisdiction

139 Personnel matters

140 Karnataka

141 Debt-write off Scheme

142 Andhra Pradesh > Maharashtra > Nagaland > Haryana

143 (i) Chief Justice, (ii) Permanent Judge

144 3rd

145 55th


1 300

2 1950

3 Denying access to a home

4 be a witness against himself

5 public services, in legislatures

6 Lok Sabha and Legislative Assembly

7 Rajya Sabha

8 Commissioner for SCs and STs

9 21 and 18

10 2001

11 Women and Children


13 2010

14 45th

15 79th

16 economically better-off people

17 50%

18 76th

19 338 / 338A

20 President

21 342

22 Population

23 Population

24 XVI

25 Both at the time of appointment and promotion

26 1978

27 Mandal

28 V. P. Singh

29 President / Governor

30 1-Feb

31 Jammu & Kashmir

32 17


1 Germany

2 Unitary

3 352


5 External Aggression, Constitutional Breakdown, Internal Disturbance

6 Emergency

7 14

8 20 and 21

9 President

10 Union Cabinet

11 written recommendation

12 3

13 President’s Rule

14 on failure of the constitutional machinery in a State

15 during National Emergency

16 On the recommendation of the Council of Ministers

17 one month

18 6 months

19 List II

20 State List

21 Due to threat arising on account of foreign attack or armed rebellion

22 External Aggression, War, and Armed Rebellion

23 Thrice

24 If he is satisfied that a situation has arisen in which the State Government cannot be carried out on in accordance with the Constitution

25 Constitutional Emergency

26 Financial Emergency

27 Indefinite period

28 serious internal disturbance

29 Cabinet

30 360

31 President

32 any part of the Indian Territory is threatened, Financial stability, Credit of India

33 If there is a threat to the financial stability or credit of India

34 (i) Order the reduction of salaries of Supreme Court and High Court Judges, 

(ii) Order the reduction of salaries and allowances of all Central and State Civil Servants, 

(iii) Ask all States to reserve all the Money or Financial Bills passed by the State Legislature for his consideration

35 Reduce the salaries of its employees

36 One month in case of National Emergency and within two months due to breakdown of constitutional machinery and Financial Emergency

37 Emergency due to war, external aggression or armed rebellion

38 Salaries and allowances of any class of employees may be reduced

39 declare breakdown of the constitutional machinery in the State and assume responsibility for its governance

40 No clear majority

41 President

42 1975

43 State Judiciary

44 Union Government

45 1962


1 Britain

2 were provided by the Parliament through a number of laws

3 Parliament

4 President

5 (i) Political parties are an indispensable part of the process, 

(ii) Based on Universal Adult Franchise, & 

(iii) Provides a single electoral body

6 Adult Franchise

7 Proportional Representation

8 Parliament

9 Electoral provisions 61st

10 Member of the Legislative Council of the State Legislature

11 Constitutional Amendment Act

12 21 to 18

13 18

14 Single-member constituencies

15 Appointed by the President

16 for a fixed term of five years

17 3

18 324

19 Election Commission

20 State Election Commission

21 Election Commission

22 Speaker of Lok Sabha

23 Chief Election Commissioner

24 Five years

25 Any citizen whose name appears in the electoral roll

26 Multi-party

27 There is a close resemblance in the policies and programmes of various political

28 age

29 Indian nationals settled abroad

30 Election Commission

31 To check the unbridled powers of the Chief Election Commissioner

32 Election Commission

33 4% of the valid votes in four or more States

34 4% of the valid votes in State

35 The Members of the Election Commission have equal powers with the Chief Election Commissioner

36 Selecting candidates for contesting elections

37 Ascertain the suitability of candidates

38 Election Commission

39 48

40 Post of Prime Minister

41 Speaker of Lok Sabha

42 (i) Parliament, (ii) Offices of President and Vice President & (iii) State Legislatures

43 Constitutional basis

44 determined by the President from time to time

45 President on the recommendation of the Parliament

46 Parliament

47 Adult resident citizen of a State

48 Election Commission

49 1951-52

50 First

51 (i) It is based on Universal Adult Franchise,

(ii) Political parties are an indispensable part of the electoral process &

(iii) It provides a single electoral body

52 Press

53 representation to all parties in the legislature according to their strength

54 President

55 President

56 Election Commission

57 Chief Election Commissioner

58 Fourth

59 four

60 Telugu Desam Party

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