Friday, April 9, 2021

Class Room Daily Dose Booklet: DDB No: Geography - English Set 08 Answers and Explanations

Class Room - Daily Dose Booklet
DDB NO: Geography 08 (English)

1 C. Molle weide’s

2 C. 22.75 km. 

3 B. 3 1 2 4

4 B. There is inverse relationship between precipitation and salinity

5 A. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A

6 C. Molle weide projection

7 B. Polly conic projection

8 D. 1, 2 and 3 are correct

9 B. 1/1,000,000

10 C. Magnetic north

11 D. Sinusoidal projection.

12 B. Mercator projection

13 D. Hypsometric curve

14 A. Temperature 

15 B. 2 4 1 3

16 D. Cadastrol map

17 A. Polyconic

18 B. Simple conical with two standard parallel

19 A. Hypsometric curve

20 B. Compound bar diagram

21 (c) Gnomonic    3. Area measurement

22 A. Dot method 

23 A. Bonne’s projection

24 D. Isotherms

25 C. Zenithal equidistant

26 B. Zenithal projection

27 A. 1: 20,000 

28 A. T matrix 

29 D. 12 months

30 C. 127.0 c.m. 

31 D. A. Geddes

32 C. Mercator

33 C. 1 and 4 

34 A. Gulf stream

35 C. Triangular graph

36 D. A is false but R is true

37 D. Ptolemy

38 A. Hythergraph 

39 B. Choropleth map

40 B. Distribution of population on the map

41 B.

42 B. 4 3 2 1

43 C. Ptolemy 

44 D. 1/200,000

45 C. 12 hour 26 minutes’ period between successive high and low tide

46 C. Monk house 

47 C. 4 1 2 3

48 C. Pyramidal diagram

49 C. Sand storm 

50 C. The scale is correct on all the meridians

51 B. 11 kilometers

52 B. Cylindrical equal area projection

53 B. Polyconic projection

54 B. 2 3 4 1

55 B. Hythergraph

56 D. Sinusoidal

57 C. the gravitational attraction of sun and moon tend to cancel each other.

58 B. 800 metres

59 B. 10 cm.

60 A. Val paraiso — Brazil

61 C. Ship-building 

62 B. Osaka — Ship-building

63 D. Krivoirog

64 A. Wheat — China

65 A. New South Wales

66 C. Tertiary 

67 C. Thailand 

68 C. erecting dykes on streams

69 B. Isobaths

70 A. Cartography

71 D. Semi transparent papers to be used for colour maps

72 D. Dark green

73 C. Light green 

74 C. 66 feet 

75 B. Yellow

76 A. 30 mts. and 15 mts.

77 C. the true north

78 A. small scale maps

79 C. intermediate between small scale and large-scale maps

80 A. 1:62,500 

81 B. Interpolation of contours

82 C. enlargement for reduction of maps with accuracy

83 D. surveying

84 B. Wind Rose

85 C. Watershed 

86 C. Contours 

87 D. Rain Guage

88 B. Large scale maps

89 A. planimeter 

90 A. Planimeter 

91 A. Mercator projection

92 A. All parallels are equal to the equator and all meridians are half of the equator in length

93 D. Simple cylindrical projection

94 C. True bearing projection

95 A. Ribands 

96 D. Direction of Slope

97 C. Three dimensional optical model of the terrain

98 A. Barometer

99 D. Anemometer

100 A. Geddes 

101 D. All of these

102 D. fertile soluble part of the soil is dissolved and carried away by water

103 D. Chernozem

104 A. Sandy loam

105 A. Xeromorphic soil

106 B. Alkaline

107 D. Compound of iron and manganese

108 D. Earthy top soil

109 D. Histosol

110 B. Podzol

111 C. Red soil 

112 A. Gumbo 

113 D. weathering and gradation

114 D. 0.15-2 mm

115 D. All of above

116 Both B and C

117 A. Texture

118 B. True soil

119 A. Shale 

120 B. Permeability

121 D. All of these

122 B. allows to percolate the water slowly form it

123 D. Both A and C

124 A. A hard pan

125 D. Removal of soluble minerals from upper soil layers

126 A. fully decomposed organic matter

127 A. particle size

128 C. West of Kerala

129 A. below 7 

130 D. 1 and 2

131 A. removal of organic matter

132 D. Coniferous forests

133 D. its chemical reaction

134 A. stream deposition

135 B. Clod

136 B. Pedon

137 A. Valuation/saltation

138 A. Mineral skeleton, Pore fluid

139 C. Removal of salt from soil to make it agriculturally productive

140 B. It is generally clayey and impermeable

141 C. lowland alluvial soil

142 A. soils of coniferous forest

143 C. Laterites

144 A. Affisol 

145 C. Histosols 

146 C. frost free for 3 months in the year

147 A. renders land useless forever

148 A. Decreases

149 C. De calcification 

150 B. reduction and enlargement of maps

151 D. All of these

152 A. Scientific grazing

153 B. Both A and C

154 D. none of these are correct

155 D. All are correct

156 A. Lichen and sedge

157 B. Steppe

158 A. Equatorial forest

159 B. sunlight

160 A. Mediterranean 

161 A. thorny bushes and deep rooted plants

162 A. Steppes 

163 B. 2, 1, 3, 4

164 A. Orophytes 

165 A. Central Australia 

166 B. Lianas

167 A. Mulga 

168 A. Acidophile 

169 D. All the above reasons

170 C. trees do not shed all their leaves together during a specific period of time, but have a continuous process of shedding leaves and getting new ones

171 D. Biochore

172 A. Tropophytes

173 A. Clisere

174 A. shallow water of the continental shelves

175 C. 2 3 1

176 A. Taiga biome

177 C. Sidewinder 

178 D. All of the above

179 A. evade drought

180 D. It has large number of birds

181 C. availability of easily digestible food

182 C. Baobab 

183 B. Coniferous forest

184 C. Scrub

185 A. the trees have to bear the mechanical load of hard woods.

186 A. Anaconda 

187 D. water

188 A. elaborate specialization

189 C. Ephermals 

190 D. Along water margins dense forests consisting of Chaparrals are found

191 A. species diversity is low

192 D. Wolf

193 D. All of the above

194 A. along rivers

195 C. stunted conical shaped trees

196 C. migratory

197 D. All of the above

198 D. Madhya Pradesh

199 A. Belukar 

200 B. Brazil

201 A. 3 2 1 4

202 C. Brazil 

203 B. Rubber plantation

204 D. Alabama region

205 A. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A

206 B.China

207 B. Cotton

208 C. North-eastern coast of Saudi Arabia

209 D. Whittlesey

210 A. Commonalities 

211 B. France and Turkey

212 B. Malaysia

213 D. England

214 A. Residential zone

215 A. Campos 

216 B. 3 and 4

217 B. Congo

218 C. Davis 

219 D. They are akin to the Great Australian Desert.

220 C. Hokkaido and Honshu

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