Friday, April 16, 2021

Class Room Daily Dose Booklet: DDB No: Indian Polity - English Set 14 Answers and Explanations

Class Room - Daily Dose Booklet
DDB NO: Indian Polity 14 (English)

1 A. 6 years

2 C. President of India

3 A. No minister can represent the Comptroller and Auditor General of India in both the Houses of Parliament.

4 A. By the same process as the Judge of the Supreme Court removed

5 C. He submits audit reports of the state governments to the president of India.

Explanation: The Comptroller and Auditor General does not submit the report related to the State Government's in the Parliament but submits it to the Government of the state who presents it in the legislative assembly.

6 C. Parliament

7 D.All of the above

8 D.All of the above

Explanation: From January 26, 2002, the National Flag code has been changed. Now Indians have been given the freedom to hoist the National Flag at any time proudly anywhere.

9 A. Article 19

Explanation: In 2002, the Supreme Court had declared the right to hoist the National Flag under Article 19 (i) A. of the Constitution as the Fundamental Right.

10 A. Jawaharlal Nehru

11 A. 14th

Explanation: In Part 14 of the Indian Constitution, Article 315 to 323 has mentioned the powers of the State Public Service Commission, appointment of members and dismissal etc.

12 B. The governor of the state

13 A. The governor determines the number of members in the Public Service Commission

14 A. President

15 D.None of the following

Explanation: The governor of the state chooses the acting Chairman of the State Public Service Commission.

16 C. President

Explanation: The Governor has the right to appoint the Chairman and members of the State Public Service Commission while the President has the right to remove them.

17 D.Member of state Public Service Commission in any other State

18 C. Consolidated Fund of state

19 C. 6 years

Explanation: By the age of 6 years or 62 years (whichever is earlier)

20 B. President

Explanation: The provision of Public Service Commission for the Union and States is in Article 315.

21 D.All of the above

22 B. It is responsible for getting conduct the elections of President, Vice President and Municipal Corporations

Explanation: The election commission is not responsible for conducting the election of municipal corporations.

23 A. 3

Explanation: There are 3 commissioners in the election commission which includes one Chief Election Commissioner and two other Election Commissioners.

24 B. President of India

25 D.The term of the Election Commissioners is up to 6 years or 65 years of age.

26 C. Deciding the disqualification of a Member of Parliament by using his discretion power

Explanation: The Election Commission shall seek the approval of the president in deciding the disqualification of a Member of Parliament.

27 B. As it is followed to remove the Judge of the Supreme Court

28 B. Chief Election Commissioner

29 C. Gram Panchayat

Explanation: Election of Gram Panchayat is done under the supervision of the State Election Commission.

30 D.None of the above

Explanation: No qualification has been fixed in the constitution to be appointed as election commissioner.

31 A. Delhi

Explanation: Delhi and Puducherry are the only two union territories where a Council of Ministers is elected.

32 D.The Andaman and Nicobar islands come under the jurisdiction of the "Madras High Court". Explanation: The Andaman & Nicobar Islands comes under the jurisdiction of "Kolkata High Court".

33 D.both a and b

Explanation: Members of the Delhi and Puducherry Legislature participate only in the election of President.

34 B. Administrator

35 A. President of India

Explanation: The President appoints all Ministers including the Chief Minister.

36 A. President

37 C. Puducherry

38 B. 69th

Explanation: Based on the 69th Constitutional Amendment (1991), Delhi has been given status of special state?

39 A. The President of India

40 C. Parliament

41 B. Balwantrai Mehta Committee

Explanation: Balwant Rai Mehta Committee was made for Panchayati Raj system in India; which submitted its report in 1957.

42 C. Three tier

Explanation: Three tier system is arranged i.e. Gram Panchayat, Panchayat Samiti and Zila Parishad.

43 A. Gram Panchayat

Explanation: The Gram Panchayat is established on the basis of direct election.

44 B. Madhya Pradesh was the first state which implemented the The Panchayati Raj system in India

Explanation: First of all the Panchayati Raj system was established in Rajasthan (2 October 1959) after which Andhra Pradesh adopted this system.

45 A. Article 243

46 C. Decentralisation of the political power to the general peoples

Explanation: Decentralization of power to connect the masses with politics

47 D.11th

Explanation: 11th schedule was added in the Indian constitution.

48 C. Its powers have been determined by the Central Government

49 C. Election of the Panchayati Raj institutions is conducted under the guidance of the State Election Commission.

Explanation: Election of the Panchayati Raj institutions is conducted under the guidance of the State Election Commission.

50 A. 1/3

Explanation: One-third posts (for both the member and the chief) are reserved for women.

51 B. Jammu and Kashmir

52 A. October,1947

Explanation: On October 26, 1947, King Hari Singh of Jammu & Kashmir signed a 'treaty of accession' with Jawaharlal Nehru.

53 C. The President of India has the right to declare financial emergency in connection with Jammu and Kashmir.

54 D.West Bengal

55 B. 87

Explanation: In the Jammu and Kashmir Legislative Assembly, 111 members are elected directly by the public but 24 seats have been reserved for Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (POK) and therefore there are only 87 seats left for J&K.

56 A. By the President of India

57 D.CAG and Election commission's rules can be implemented in J & K.

58 C. Education

Explanation: The right to make law related to education is under the jurisdiction of J & K Legislative Assembly only.

59 D.None

Explanation: Options a, b and c all are true.

60 A.  Article 312: Provision of Public Service Commission for Union and States

61 A. Government of India Act, 1935

62 C. At present, there are 35 judges in the Supreme Court

Explanation: The strength of Supreme Court judges increased from 31 to 34, including the Chief Justice of India in Sept.2019.

63 B. He should be a respected jurist in the eyes of Parliament

Explanation: In the eyes of the President, he should be a respected jurist.

64 B. Judge of the Supreme Court gives his resignation letter to the Chief Justice Explanation: A judge of the Supreme Court gives his resignation letter to the President.

65 D.Both Parliament and President

Explanation: The proposal for the removal of the judge should be passed with a special majority in both the Houses of Parliament, while the decision to remove from the post is taken by the President.

66 C. 2.8 lakh Rupees

Explanation: The salary of Chief Justice of India increased to Rs. 2,80,000/month from Rs. one lac earlier. Other Judges of the Supreme Court will get salary of Rs. 2.5 lacs.

67 D.All of the above

Explanation: The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court has the right to seek the permission of the President before setting up the Supreme Court bench elsewhere in the country.

68 D.Chief Justice of the Supreme Court has the right to allow to establish the bench of the Supreme Court elsewhere in the country with prior approval of the President.

69 C. Article 124

70 A. Article 145: salary of judges

Explanation: Article 145 is related to rules of the Supreme Court not the salary of judges.

71 C. Has a secretariat provided by the president of India

Explanation: Secretariat provided by the Lok Sabha/Rajya Sabha

72 B. Ad hoc committees are of permanent nature

Explanation: Ad hoc committees are of temporary nature.

73 D. Ad hoc committee Explanation: Ad hoc committee

74 A. 22

75 C. Term of the members of the Committee is 5 year

Explanation: Term of the members of the Public Account Committee is 1 year

76 D.Business advisory committee

Explanation: Business advisory committee

77 B.  Committee on rural development:  Panchayti Raj Ministry

Explanation: Committee on rural development:  Rural Development Ministry

78 A. Ethics committee

Explanation: Ethics committee enforces code of conduct of members of Parliament. It examines the cases of misconduct and recommends appropriate action.

79 A. House Committee: deals with residential accommodation of members and other amenities like food, medical etc.

Explanation: House Committee: deals with residential accommodation of members and other amenities like food, medical etc.

80 C. Estimate Committee

Explanation: Estimate Committee

81 D.Lok Sabha Speaker

Explanation: Speaker of Lok Sabha is not a part of Parliament of India.

82 D.House of Commons: Upper House

Explanation: The House of Commons is the lower house of the British Parliament.

83 B. 238

Explanation: In the Rajya Sabha, 238 members are elected from the States and Union Territories, while 12 members are nominated by the President.

84 C. The age limit for voting was reduced from 21 years to 18 years by the 65th Constitutional Amendment.

Explanation: The age limit for voting was reduced to 18 years 21 year by the 61st Constitutional Amendment (1998).

85 A. Regional Representation System

Explanation: Regional Representation System

86 D.All of the above

Explanation: Single transferable voting arrangement is adopted for the election of Rajya Sabha, State Legislative Council, President and Vice President.

87 D.All of the above

Explanation: All the options given in the question

88 B. Candidate must be registered as an elector for a parliamentary constituency.

Explanation: Candidate must be registered as an elector for a parliamentary constituency. This rule has been withdrawn for the Rajya Sabha from 2003.

89 D.All of the above mentioned

Explanation: All the options given in the question

90 C. For completion of "quorum" 55 members in Lok Sabha and 25 members in Rajya Sabha need to be present.

Explanation: For completion of the quorum, 55 members in Lok Sabha and 25 members in Rajya Sabha should be present.

91 B. UK

Explanation: The parliamentary system of government in the constitution of India is based on the British model.

92 D.Article 75 is related only to the appointment of ministers.

Explanation: Article 75 deals with the appointment of ministers, as well as their tenure, liability, oath and salaries.

93 C. The minister shall hold the office till the pleasure of the Prime Minister.

Explanation: Minister will hold office till the pleasure of the President of India.

94 D.Parliament

Explanation: The salaries and allowances of the Ministers of the Government of India are determined by the Parliament.

95 A. If a minister is not the member of any house at the time of becoming a minister, then he will have to get a membership of Lok Sabha within 6 months.

Explanation: A person who is not a member of either house of Parliament can also be a minister but within six months he must become a member of either house of Parliament.

96 C. either by election or nomination.

Explanation: Membership can be obtained either by election or nomination within 6 months.

97 D.Both a and c

Explanation: The Council of Ministers is collectively responsible to the Lok Sabha,it means that all the ministers will be responsible to the Lok Sabha for their work and act as a party.

98 C. both a and b

Explanation: When the Lok Sabha Minister passes a no confidence motion against the Council of ministers, then all the ministers (either elected from the Lok Sabha or Rajya SabhA.  have to give resignation.

99 B. He has to resign

Explanation: He has to resign. In 1953, due to difference with cabinet on Hindu code bills, Dr. Ambedkar had to resign.

100 A. Sir John Marriott

Explanation: Sir John Marriott

101 D.63

Explanation: Article 63 of the Indian constitution envisages that there shall be a Vice-President of India.

102 D.Article 61: Vice President's tenure

Explanation: Article 61 is related to the swearing in of the Vice –President of India.

103 D.The post of Vice President of India has been taken from the Constitution of France

Explanation: The post of Vice President of India is based on the model of Vice President of America.

104 A. S. Radhakrishnan

Explanation: S. Radhakrishnan, Hidayatullah, Shankar Dayal Sharma were elected un-opposed.

105 D.All

Explanation: The President, Vice President, the Governor of the State and the Union or the Minister of State are not considered for the post of profit, so all the Vice-Presidential candidates can contest the election.

106 B. The Rajya Sabha can remove him by passing the resolution with absolute majority but the consent of the Lok Sabha is necessary.

Explanation: To remove the Vice President from the post, the resolution can be passed by the Rajya Sabha by the full majority, but the consent of the Lok Sabha is necessary. A 14-day notice should also be given to the Vice President.

107 D.Only a and b

Explanation: A candidate for the post of Vice President should not hold any office of profit, should also not be a Member of Parliament and State Legislature.

108 B. Vice President can act as a caretaker President for a maximum of one year.

Explanation: Vice President can work as a acting President for a maximum period of 6 months.

109 B. Supreme Court

Explanation: All the controversies and doubts related to the election of the Vice President are examined and the Supreme Court decides whose final decision is final.

110 A. Jaswant Singh

Explanation: Jaswant Singh had fought against Hamid Ansari in Vice Presidential election in 2012, but defeated.

111 C. 52

Explanation: Article 52 to 78 in Part V of the Constitution deal with the Union Executive. According to Article 52, India shall have a President.

112 A. Elected members of both Houses of Parliament

Explanation: In the Presidential election, elected members of both houses of parliament, elected members of the state legislature and only elected members of Delhi and Puducherry Legislatures participate.

113 D.Only a and c

Explanation: To become President of India, candidate must be 35 years old, must be an Indian citizen and should be eligible to be elected as a member of Lok Sabha.

114 A. Elected and nominated members of the State Legislative Assembly participate in the presidential election.

Explanation: Only elected members of the State Legislative Assembly participate in the presidential election, nominated members do not participate.

115 C. Article 60: Procedure for impeachment of the President

116 B. Article 76

117 D.Only a and b

Explanation: The post of the President will be vacant in the following ways: upon the expiry of the tenure, on giving the resignation letter and the completion of the impeachment process in the Parliament.

118 C. Parliament can declare any area as scheduled area Explanation:  President of India can declare any area as schedule area.

119 B. Article 352

Explanation: Article 352 envisages the National Emergency in the country.

120 C. In either house of Parliament

Explanation: The impeachment charges against President can be initiated in either house of Parliament.

121 C. 42nd

Explanation: The right to impose the National Emergency to the whole country or only one part of it was given to the President on the basis of the 42th constitutional amendment.

122 A. After 44th Constitution Amendment Act

Explanation: In 1978 by the 44th Constitution Amendment Act,the term 'internal disturbance' was replaced by the "armed rebellion" because Indira Gandhi misused it.

123 A. 1 month

Explanation: Initially, the approval of Parliament should have been done in 2 months but it was reduced to 1 month by 44th Constitution Amendment Act.

124 C. 6 months

Explanation: If the announcement of the National Emergency has been approved by both Houses of Parliament, it will continue for 6 months but it should be re-approved after every 6 months.

125 B. 352

Explanation: National Emergency (under article 352) is imposed in the situation of war, external attacks and armed uprising.

126 D.Never

Explanation: Financial Emergency (Article 360) in India is not implemented yet.

127 D.Both b and c

Explanation: In the case of a National Emergency, Fundamental Rights under the Article 20 (Protection in respect of conviction) and Article 21 (Right to life) do not abolish automatically.

128 D.When a National Emergency is enforced, the Fundamental Rights of Article 19 are repealed after the President's order.

Explanation: When a National Emergency is enforced, the Fundamental Rights under Article 19 are automatically canceled, no separate order is required.

129 B. 3

Explanation: So far 3 times (1962, 1971 and 1975) National Emergencies have been implemented.

130 D.All

Explanation: President's rule is also known as State Emergency and Constitutional Emergency.

131 A. Banking

Explanation: Union Government has 100 subjects under the union list which includes defence, banking, currency, atomic energy, insurance and communication etc.

132 D.52

Explanation: Currently there are 52 subjects in the concurrent list. Originally there were 47 subjects.

133 A. Newspaper Explanation: Concurrent list comprises Population, marriage and divorce, drugs, newspaper, books and printing press.

134 C. Concurrent list: Communication

Explanation: Communication is covered under the centre list.

135 A. Part XI

Explanation: Central-State relations are mentioned from article 245 to 255 in Part XI of the constitution.

136 D.All 1,2,3

Explanation: Land Taxes, Octroi tax and Agricultural income tax comes under the ambit of state government.

137 B. Sakaria Commission

Explanation: Sarkaria Commission was related to centre state relation. This commission was formed in 1983.

138 B. Punchhi Commission: 2001

Explanation: In April 2007, a three member commission headed by the former chief justice of India M.M. Punchhi was set up by the UPA Government to take a fresh look at relative roles and responsibilities of various levels of government and their inter-relations.

139 D.Grant by the Union to States: Article 275

Explanation: Grants under Article 275 (1) of the Constitution of India. Such sums as Parliament may by law provide shall be charged on the Consolidated Fund of India in each year as grants-in-aid of the revenues of such States as Parliament may determine to be in need of assistance.

140 A. There is no need to consult states before making the law on the concurrent list

Explanation: The central government should consult states before making the law on the concurrent list.

141 D.All of the above

Explanation: The Parliamentary Government is also known as cabinet government or Responsible Government responsible and Westminster forms of government and is prevalent in Britain, Japan Canada, India and other countries.

142 D.Single Executive

Explanation: features of parliamentary system are: Dual Executive, majority party rule, collective responsibility, political homogeneity, double membership, leadership of Prime Minister, dissolution of lower and house fusion of power.

143 C. Limited Representation

Explanation: Features of presidential system are: single executive, non-responsibility, political homogeneity may not exist, domination of president, no dissolution power of lower house and separation of powers.

144 D.All of the above

Explanation: All of the above are demerits of the Parliamentary System.

145 B. Presidential System is based on double executive.

Explanation: Presidential System is based on single executive.

146 A. Governance of the Prime Minister

Explanation: Presidential System is the Governance of the President.

147 B. Flexible Constitution

Explanation: Flexible Constitution provision is not related to the federal government.

148 B. All powers are divided into Central Government and Regional Government

Explanation: Both A and B

149 A. Canada

Explanation: The Federal System in India is adopted from the Canada.

150 C. There are only 98 topics in the center list at this time.

Explanation: The Union List or List-I is a list of 101 items given in Seventh Schedule in the Constitution of India on which Parliament has exclusive power to legislate.

151 A. Constitutional amendment

Explanation: Article 368 in the Part XX of the Indian constitution deals with the powers of the parliament to amend the constitution and its procedure.

152 C. South Africa

Explanation: Indian constitution has borrowed 2 features from the constitution of South Africa;1. Election of members of the Rajya Sabha

153 B. 3

Explanation: There are three ways to amend the constitution of India are: simple majority of parliament, special majority of parliament and special majority of parliament plus consent of the states.

154 D.Fundamental Rights

Explanation: Laws related to Fundamental Rights, abolition or creation of new states and acquisition & termination of the citizenship can be changed by simple majority of the Parliament.

155 B.  General majority of Parliament

156 C.. Acquisition and Termination of Citizenship

157 D.245

158 A. Full majority + voting by 2/3 members present

Explanation: Full majority + voting by 2/3 members present

159 C. 61st

Explanation: The Sixty-first Amendment' of the Constitution of India, officially known as The Constitution (Sixty-first Amendment) Act, 1989, lowered the voting age of elections to the Lok Sabha and to the Legislative Assemblies of States from 21 years to 18 years.

160 D.Constitution (45th Amendment) Act: 1985

Explanation: Constitution (45th Amendment) Act was passed in 1980.

161 C. Russia

162 A. 1976

163 D.11

164 B. Article 51A

165 C. In 2002, after the 82nd Constitution Amendment Act, another Fundamental Duty was added.

166 D.Swarn Singh Committee

167 B. To obey the parents

168 C. 86th

169 B. Wildlife Protection Act: 1974

170 D.1971

171 C. Part 4

172 A. If a State does not apply Directive Principle of State Policy, then a case may be filed against it in court.

173 C.Directive Principle can be implemented by the court in case of their violation.

174 D.Ireland

175 D.All

176 C. Article 41: Organization of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry

177 A. From 36 to 51

178 B. Their nature is socialist.

179 C. Pingali Venkaiya

180 D.1947

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