Saturday, May 1, 2021

Class Room Daily Dose Booklet: DDB No: History - English Set 09 Answers and Explanations

Class Room - Daily Dose Booklet
DDB NO: History 09 (English)

1 C) Shahjahan
2 D) 2 3 4 1
3 A) The hereditary right of some zamindars to collect revenue from a number of villages
4 D) All of these
5 C) Ralph Fitch
6 C) Shahjahan
7 A) 1 and 2
8 B) He was killed by Lt Hodson. a cavalry officer in Delhi
9 A) Humayun's Tomb
10 D) Both 'b' and 'c'
11 A) 2 4 1 3
12 C) The 18th century states set up by the provincial governors replaced the Mughal system of administration by introducing the system of autonomous Zamindaris
13 A) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
14 A) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
15 C) Both 'a' and 'b'
16 C) He was responsible for all incomes and expenditures and held control over Khalisa, Jagir and lnam lands.
17 D) All of the above
18 B) Gujarat was annexed to the Mughal Empire by Akbar
19 A) secure a friendly ruler in Balkh and Badakhan which bordered Kabul
20 D) All of the above
21 D) Muhammad Shah
22 D) All of the above
23 D) All of these
24 D) All of the above
25 D) Farrukhsiyar
26 A) He wanted to avenge the expulsion by Marathas of his Viceroy Timur Shah from Lahore
27 A) 1, 2 and 3
28 C) Darashikoh
29 C) Naqqara or beating of a kettledrum when the emperor held court or went out
30 A) Akbar
31 A) 2 3 2 1
32 D) Fatehpur Sikri
33 B) a rank
34 A) I and II
35 B) Moti Masjid
36 C) 1, 3 and 4
37 B) land revenue system
38 B) Sher Shah
39 A) Rani Durgawati
40 A) only I
41 A) Portuguese
42 D) all of the above
43 D) 3 4 1 2
44 C) Kalinjar
45 C) 4 3 1 2
46 B) Babar
47 C) Akbar
48 D) Humayun
49 A) Sher Shah
50 B) Sher Shah Suri
51 A) Mughals
52 B) Sher Shah
53 A) Babar
54 C) divine faith
55 C) Battle of Tarain - Prithviraj Chauhan and Mohammed Ghori
56 B) 1576
57 C) Gwalior
58 D) all the above
59 B) Akbar
60 B) Diwan-i-Khas, Delhi
61 C) Humayun's tomb
62 D) Ramtanu Pande
63 B) Sasaram
64 D) Gujarat
65 B) Fatehpur Sikri
66 C) Gwalior Fort
67 D) Sher Shah
68 B) Kabul
69 B) 1498
70 D) Farid
71 C) revenue officer
72 A) Akbar
73 C) currency system
74 C) Akbar
75 B) Ain-i-Akbari
76 C) Akbar
77 D) Todar Mal
78 B) Akbar
79 B) Pratihara
80 D) Mongolia
81 B) Prithvi Raj Chauhan-Akbar
82 D) Shajahan
83 D) Ahmednagar
84 C) Bakshi
85 B) Zain-ul-Abidin
86 D) Aurangzeb
87 C) Shahjahan
88 B) 1 2 3 4
89 D) Nur Jahan
90 C) William Hawkings
91 D) Aurangazeb
92 C) 1, 2 and 4
93 C) 3 4 5 2
94 ) Shah Jahan
95 C) Aurangzeb and Dara Shikoh
96 C) 3 4 1 2
97 D) 4 2 5 3
98 D) I, II and IV
99 C) Aurangazeb
100 C) 2 4 1 3
101 A) 4 3 2 1
102 C) Jahangir
103 A) Bulbous dome
104 C) 1 and 2
105 C) Jahangir's interaction with the people
106 B) 1 and 3
107 D) peasants and zamindars regarding issues to be paid except rent
108 D) 4 2 3 1
109 B) Francois
110 C) Both 1 and 2
111 C) Portuguese sea power already controlled the Indian Ocean
112 B) Hiravijaya Suri
113 A) Egypt
114 C) Both 1 and 2
115 B) Rao Chandrasen of Marwar
116 B) 2 and 3
117 A) Akbar
118 D) Peter Mundy
119 D) 1582
120 C) He prohibited animal slaughter forever
121 B) 1 and 3
122 B) Cassim Bazar
123 C) Akbar
124 D) Kalighatta
125 C) 1, 2 and 3
126 A) Gujarat
127 A) 1 2 3
128 C) price rise during the period
129 C) Sher Shah
130 D) Bidar
131 D) Shahjahan
132 C) Ahmad Shah
133 C) Only 1
134 A) It implied that a mansabdar holding this rank has to maintain and was paid for double the quota of troopers indicated by his Sawar rank
135 D) Both 'a' and 'b'
136 A) Watan Jagirs
137 C) 2 3 1
138 B) Bengal, Berar, Khandesh and Sind
139 D) None of the above
140 B) 2 5 3 4 1
141 B) petitions
142 C) Akbar
143 D) Indian Muslims
144 C) 3 1 2
145 A) Naqdis
146 B) Jahangir
147 C) Aurangzeb's land revenue policy
148 D) 2 1 3 4
149 B) He was a staunch and a devout Shia
150 D) Malik Jafar

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